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Re: [geomesa-users] Shapefile ingestion

Hi Diethard,

Feel free to pass on the rest of the exception and/or link to the shapefile in question.  We have assumptions that data is in EPSG:4326 (longitude, latitude) and the points are inside that CRS's bounding box.  

If the shapefile violates either of those conditions, it might need a little pre-processing TLC. 

Generally, with those assumptions, as Emilio said, you shouldn't need to create the schema beforehand.



On 05/16/2017 05:15 PM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
Hi Diethard,

Likely the schema you're creating doesn't quite align with the shapefile. Try the ingest command without creating the schema first - the ingest command will create it for you. You can either delete the existing schema or change the catalog table.

We use the geotools shapefile data store to read a shapefile - I believe that you pass it the primary .shp file, but it expects the other files to be alongside.



On 05/16/2017 03:00 PM, Diethard Steiner wrote:

I am trying to follow the Spark Jupyter tutorial and I am struggling a bit with the Shapefile import. The docu shows a very basic example of how to ingest a shapefile, referencing directly the `shp` and not any other required files of the shapefile bundle. Is the `shp` file actually the only one that will be imported? No attributes from the dbf file etc?

I tried the following but I get an out of bound exception:

# create feature/schema
geomesa create-schema \
    -u root \
    -c myNamespace.countries \
    -f countriesFeature \
    -s shape:Polygon,fips:String,iso2:String,iso3:String,un:Integer,name:String,area:String,pop2005:Double,region:Integer,subregion:Integer,lon:Float,lat:Float

# ingest data
geomesa ingest -u root -p password \
  -c myNamespace.countries -f shapeFile countriesFeature TM_WORLD_BORDERS_SIMPL-0.3.shp

Can you please clarify how to correctly import this file?


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