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Re: [geomesa-users] Question about min and max times in indexing

We will always set a default date field for indexing, so that is why you see the date validation message. However, it seems like you are setting the hints correctly. It is odd though, because there shouldn't ever be a situation where we create both the XZ3 and Z3 index for a single feature type. Do you have other feature types in the same catalog table? Can you scan the catalog table and reply with the result of the 'attributes' row?



On 04/21/2017 04:20 PM, David Boyd wrote:

   Some more information.  I am getting this message:

2017-04-21 16:17:01,484 | WARN | [main] | (GeoMesaSchemaValidator.scala:90) - geomesa.index.dtg is not valid or defined for simple feature type SimpleFeatureTypeImpl identified extends Feature(objectKey:objectKey,entityName:entityName,entitySource:entitySource,entityTitle:entityTitle,recordKey:recordKey,Name:Name,Type:Type,NameMetaphone:NameMetaphone,Country:Country,AffiliationTo:AffiliationTo,AffiliationStart:AffiliationStart,AffiliationEnd:AffiliationEnd,Aliases:Aliases,GeoCountryCode:GeoCountryCode,GeoLocation:GeoLocation). However, the following attribute(s) can be used in GeoMesa's temporal index: AffiliationStart, AffiliationEnd. GeoMesa will now point geomesa.index.dtg to the first temporal attribute found: AffiliationStart
Now when I create my schema's. Despite specifically disabling those indexes and not specifying a time field for geomesa.index.dtg.

I have also tried adding:

To my code.  Same result.

On 4/21/17 4:04 PM, David Boyd wrote:

   Thanks for the detailed explanation.

I am trying to disable the Z3 index. I have added the following to my code:

final  String indexes = "z2,records,id,attr";
        SimpleFeatureType feature = tb.buildFeatureType();

// index recordkey, cardinality is high because there is only one record per key. feature.getDescriptor(ENTITY_RECORD_KEY_COLUMN_NAME).getUserData().put("index", "full"); feature.getDescriptor(ENTITY_RECORD_KEY_COLUMN_NAME).getUserData().put("cardinality", "high");
I then create other attribute indexes the call createSchema with the feature.

I am still getting the exception:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Value out of bounds ([0.0 604800.0]): -432000.0
    at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:224)
at org.locationtech.geomesa.curve.NormalizedDimension$class.normalize(NormalizedDimension.scala:17) at org.locationtech.geomesa.curve.NormalizedTime.normalize(NormalizedDimension.scala:33)
When I look at my accumulo tables I still have:


I dropped all my tables before this was run.

What am I missing?

On 4/21/17 10:02 AM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
Yeah, that error is a bit obtuse but it's coming from converting the date into an index value. I believe that currently if a feature fails to validate for any index, it will not be stored at all. This is to prevent partial indexing, where your query results might differ based on which index it uses. Previously we allowed partial indexing, and I think at this point we'd like to support both based on a configuration property, but haven't implemented it yet.

We haven't really had any use-cases so far for storing data that old, so we don't currently support it. However, there are a couple things you could do (off the top of my head):

* Add another date field for indexing, or disable the z3 index. If the date isn't part of the primary z index, then it won't cause any problems. You can still filter on it as normal, it just won't use the date in the primary range planning so queries will be slower. To alleviate that, you could add an attribute index on the date field - that does not have the same restrictions on date range, but it is not a composite index so query planning will use either date *or* geometry but not both.

* Offset dates by some fixed amount to bring them into an indexable range, and add some logic in your client to transform queries and results. This may be fairly complicated...

From a technical perspective I don't think there is any reason we couldn't store dates before the epoch, it just hasn't been implemented.



On 04/20/2017 10:13 PM, David Boyd wrote:

   Thanks.  I puzzled it out in the end.

How would one date index historical data? The data I have has numerous dates before the Epoch. The exception I am getting below. Does this mean my feature did not get stored, or just the date was not indexed? If the latter, how would
this data behave on a query including the date?

2017-04-20 17:11:12,306 | WARN | [Thread-7] | ( - StartDateString: 1968-01-01 StartDate: 1968-01-01T00:00:00.000-05:00 EndDateString: 1996-08-31 EndDate: 1996-08-31T00:00:00.000-04:00 2017-04-20 17:11:12,306 | INFO | [Thread-7] | ( - Persisting 2 ICEWS records. 2017-04-20 17:11:12,556 | ERROR | [Thread-7] | ( - requirement failed: Value out of bounds ([0.0 604800.0]): -241200.0 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: Value out of bounds ([0.0 604800.0]): -241200.0
    at scala.Predef$.require(Predef.scala:224)
at org.locationtech.geomesa.curve.NormalizedDimension$class.normalize(NormalizedDimension.scala:17)

On 4/20/17 6:07 PM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
Hi David,

I don't believe that this is in our documentation, but it's commented in our source code. The min date will always be the unix epoch, and the max date depends on the indexing interval of your z-curve (the default interval is week):



On 04/20/2017 04:45 PM, David Boyd wrote:

   Haven't found this in the documents yet so I thought I would ask.

I have a two fields in my data representing a startTime and an endTime. Values for those string fields are normally dates but can also be "beginning of time" and
"end of time" respectively.

I originally I tried setting beginning of time to be 01/01/1111 but I would get an index out of range error (I assume it is because this was before the standard Unix epoc).

That error was down in the XZ3 index creation.

I then tried using new DateTime(Long.MIN) and new DateTime(Long.MAX) but the max
now throws errors in Joda.Time.

So what are the min and max Times supported by Geomesa in the indexes?

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