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Re: [geomesa-users] Geomesa Maven dependencies


Deleting the metadata from the ~/.m2/repository/org/locationtech/geomesa/geomesa-spark-converter_2.11/1.3.1 solved the problem.

Thanks a lot for the help.

2017-03-15 15:54 GMT+01:00 Jim Hughes <jnh5y@xxxxxxxx>:
Hi Jose,

I tried to reproduce this issue by copying the two dependency blocks you provided into a small pom, clearing those jars from my local .m2, and then building the project.  As you mentioned, the artifactId for geomesa-security should be geomesa-security_2.11.

For the GeoMesa Spark converter jar, the repo appears to be ok right now:

Downloaded: (2 KB at 4.6 KB/sec)
Downloaded: (15 KB at 87.0 KB/sec)

The only suggestions I have are to 1) build with '-U' to have Maven re-try a dependency, and 2) delete any metadata in ~/.m2/repository/org/locationtech/geomesa/geomesa-spark-converter_2.11/1.3.1 which may point to failed attempts to download dependencies.

Sorry for the trouble.  If it continues or others are experiencing similar issues, I'll report the trouble to Eclipse's webmaster.



On 03/15/2017 10:22 AM, Jose Bujalance wrote:
I have made a mistake with the "security" dependency, it works fine.
However, I am not able to download the geomesa-spark-converter_2.11 version 1.3.1 trough Maven. I have finally download it manually.

2017-03-15 15:03 GMT+01:00 Jose Bujalance <joseab56@xxxxxxxxx>:

I am starting to work with the Geomesa-Spark integration on Java and I am experiencing some issues when importing some of the dependencies from the Geomesa repository.

This is the repository I am using:


There are two Geomesa dependencies I am having problmes with:

Missing artifact org.locationtech.geomesa:geomesa-spark-converter_2.11:jar:1.3.1
Missing artifact org.locationtech.geomesa:geomesa-security:jar:1.3.1

Maven is telling me that he is not able to download these two dependencies, and surprisingly the others are ok (geomesa-spark-core_2.11, geomesa-accumulo-datastore_2.11, etc, etc)

Is there any problem with these dependencies ? Am I using the correct repository ?

Thank you,


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