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[geomesa-users] GeoMesa 1.3.0 released!

Hi all,

I am very pleased to announce the release of GeoMesa version 1.3.0!  The GeoMesa team has been working on this release since 1.2.6 was released in August, and it shows.  From the change log, there are nearly 200 tickets resolved (1).  

Here's a list of new, exciting features available in GeoMesa 1.3.x:

A.  Native support for GeoJSON

No need for SimpleFeatures anymore, store and query GeoJSON directly using programmatic APIs and REST APIs.  The GeoJSON REST API includes a query language very similar to MongoDB’s geospatial support (2).

B.  Deep integration with Spark SQL

GeoMesa adds spatial functions and types implementing a significant subset of the OGC OpenGIS Simple Feature SQL specification (3). This specification is the industry standard for working with geospatial information in SQL, and is implemented by many data systems, including the venerable PostGIS.  With this, users can query GeoMesa using SQL to perform complex analysis:

select * from gdelt

where st_contains(

   geom, st_geomFromWKT(‘POLYGON((-98 37, -95 37, -95 40, -98 40, -98 37))’))

See (4) for documentation.

C.  Generalized and refactored Index API and Improved support for HBase and Cassandra. 

The GeoMesa command line tools have been generalized and now work with HBase and Cassandra GeoMesa installations. (5/6)

D.  Improved out of the box experience.  Documentation, command line tools, etc.

The documentation has been greatly expanded to cover more functionality and reorganized to focus on each of the separate datastores.  Command line tools are more comprehensive for all supported back ends.

The highlights don't capture all the great work that's happened.  Many tickets/commits are focused on making the tooling work better and being easier; others are focused on providing indexing improvements and building up reusable components.

In the 1.3.x series, we will be continuing work with Spark.  The team has been experimenting with notebook servers like Jupyter and Zeppelin, and using GeoMesa to do ad hoc analysis has been both very productive and fun!

Thanks for participating in open-source, and feel free to reach out about how you can use GeoMesa to solve your big data problems!



1.  GeoMesa 1.3 Changelog:

2.  GeoJson Docs:

3  OGC OpenGIS Simple Feature access - Part 2: SQL Option: http://opengeospatial  

4.  GeoMesa SparkSQL docs:

5.  GeoMesa HBase tools:

6.  GeoMesa Cassandra tools:

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