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Re: [geomesa-users] Key/Index construction question.


There isn't (so far as I know) a general-purpose walk-through of how to
extend the grammar in this way.

If you're certain you want to do this -- and we don't really recommend
it -- you could take the "%9#r" command for inserting a shard number as
an example.

Here's where there's a formatter (that can insert the contribution into
the key):

Here is where it contributes to the key plan (identifying ranges where
data might be found):

You may also need to add a decoder, depending iff this information that
will participate in the key is not otherwise already in the feature:

Best of luck!

  -- Chris

On Wed, 2015-09-23 at 15:19 -0400, Moises Baly wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Thank you for your answer. We are looking into performances of using a
> secondary indexes, and in parallel we'll start looking into extending
> the grammar and query planners. For the query planners, this is the
> first time we're looking through the code (you're right, it's going to
> be challenging). Would it be too hard to provide us with a high level
> path for tackling the query planner  modification?
> Thank you again for your time,
> Moises
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Chris Eichelberger <cne1x@xxxxxxxx>
> wrote:
>         Moises,
>         Apologies in advance, but this turned out to be (another)
>         longer
>         response than I had expected.
>         There are two entire sections to this note:  1) directly
>         responding to
>         the question about the index-schema format; 2) suggestions for
>         how you
>         might avoid changing anything in the index-schema format, but
>         use the
>         existing indexing mechanisms.
>         Part 1:  Concerning the index-schema format
>         The best reference for the index-schema format syntax is the
>         code itself
>         (fortunately, Scala makes this sort of DSL grammar mostly
>         readable from
>         source):
>         As you can see, the RowID and the ColF re-use the same
>         syntactic
>         requirement ("keypart" inside the DSL), meaning that anything
>         that is
>         valid in the RowID is -- so far as the parser is concerned --
>         valid in
>         the ColF.  You are correct that the ID-substitution token is
>         only valid
>         at the end of the ColQ; it is not allowed in either the RowID
>         or ColF.
>         In order to do exactly what you described, there are multiple
>         considerations:
>         A.  You would need to extend that grammar.  This is not
>         particularly
>         difficult.
>         B.  You would need to extend the key-planners.  This can be
>         more
>         challenging, especially if this is the first time you've
>         looked through
>         this code.
>         As you might guess, the aggregate recommendation from the
>         GeoMesa team
>         would probably be, "It's probably easier to find another way
>         to do what
>         you want."  Fortunately, there may be just such a way...
>         Part 2:  How to use the existing index structures
>         There are multiple query strategies.  For example, there is
>         one strategy
>         that is geo-time oriented, and one strategy that is
>         (secondary)
>         attribute-oriented.  The difference among these is which index
>         (or
>         combination of indexes) they use in what order.
>         This is the way the Accumulo filters are applied, roughly in
>         order (for
>         a geo-time strategy):
>         1.  coarse geo-time filtering on the "_st_idx" or ("_z3")
>         tables
>         2.  fine-grained geo-time filtering
>         3.  feature-based filtering (using ECQL expressions)
>         This suggests that, if your geo-time constraints are highly
>         selective,
>         then storing the filter attribute inside your simple feature
>         may be
>         adequate to get the performance you're looking for, because
>         that
>         filtering happens only on the entries with qualifying geo-time
>         data, and
>         is distributed (uniformly) across tablet servers.
>         If the geo-time constraints are not very selective, but your
>         attribute
>         constraints are highly selective, then using an attribute
>         strategy in
>         your query will invert that filter order, essentially
>         performing the
>         attribute-selection first, and then filtering down to the
>         geo-time
>         constraints.
>         If neither the geo-time nor the attribute constraints are
>         singly
>         selective, then you may be able to get some lift out of
>         creating a
>         synthetic field that is jointly selective, and then use a
>         (secondary
>         attribute) index on that value.
>         I hope that helps.  If not, please just let us know.
>         Thanks!
>         Sincerely,
>           -- Chris
>         On Wed, 2015-09-23 at 10:45 -0400, Moises Baly wrote:
>         > Hi there:
>         >
>         >
>         > On the same subject of keys, I have a couple of questions
>         when
>         > building them:
>         >
>         >
>         > 1- I only have one way to store non constant "strings"
>         within the key
>         > - using the #id - correct? For example, I have a point and
>         want to
>         > store something of the sort -> gh :: some_string_ie_HOUSE ::
>         #cstr,
>         > changing that string on insertion into Acc. The way I would
>         do this
>         > would be with a schema such as "%~#s%99#r%0,11#gh::%~#s%
>         #id::%~#s%
>         > TEST#cstr". However, this gives me a parser error, I think
>         because
>         > there is a restriction on the id() position - has to be at
>         the end.
>         >
>         >
>         > The idea is that I want to be able to filter first by
>         location (gh),
>         > then by a particular string in the column family.
>         >
>         >
>         > 2- When building the key schema, '%#i' allows you to index
>         what comes
>         > after right?
>         >
>         >
>         > Thanks for your time,
>         >
>         >
>         > Moises
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         > On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Moises Baly
>         <moises@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>         > wrote:
>         >         Perfect.
>         >
>         >
>         >         Thank you again for your answers, we are looking
>         forward to go
>         >         in production with GM.
>         >
>         >
>         >         Kind regards,
>         >
>         >
>         >         Moises
>         >
>         >         On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 3:22 PM, Chris Eichelberger
>         >         <cne1x@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
>         >                 Moises,
>         >
>         >                 These are reasonable questions.  I'll re-use
>         your
>         >                 numbering.
>         >
>         >                 1.  We right-pad lower-precision (larger)
>         Geohashes
>         >                 with periods, so a
>         >                 10-bit Geohash for Charlottesville might be
>         "dq..."
>         >                 when padded to 35
>         >                 bits.  This becomes a minor bit of hassle
>         for the
>         >                 query planner, which
>         >                 has to accommodate the (possible) presence
>         of these
>         >                 characters in
>         >                 addition to valid Geohash characters, but
>         it's not too
>         >                 bad.
>         >
>         >                 2.  You are correct that each index key
>         encodes a
>         >                 disjoint subset of the
>         >                 entire geometry's covering.  Fortunately,
>         the entire
>         >                 geometry is stored
>         >                 elsewhere in the value of the Accumulo
>         entry, so no
>         >                 reconstruction is
>         >                 required on the client side.
>         >
>         >                 Sincerely,
>         >                   -- Chris
>         >
>         >
>         >
>         >                 On Fri, 2015-09-18 at 15:14 -0400, Moises
>         Baly wrote:
>         >                 > This is an amazing explanation!! Thank you
>         very much
>         >                 for taking the
>         >                 > time of being so clear.
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 > Two additional questions:
>         >                 > 1- If we are deconstructing non-point
>         geometries
>         >                 into geohashes  of
>         >                 > different precisions,and, say, I specified
>         my key
>         >                 schema as being: "%
>         >                 > ~#s%foo#cstr%0,7#gh%99#r::_::_ (don't mind
>         cf and
>         >                 cq, just an example)
>         >                 > - in which I want to have a length 7
>         geohash in the
>         >                 row id, how do you
>         >                 > fit the different precision you obtain
>         into my 7
>         >                 specification? Or I'm
>         >                 > not making sense here?
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 > 2- In the index schema builder, the index
>         or data
>         >                 flag (%#i) builds an
>         >                 > "index" over a particular portion of the
>         entire key?
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 > @Emilio: so if I understood you correctly
>         you have 6
>         >                 "entire" rows,
>         >                 > but if you look at the cf or cq portions
>         you might
>         >                 many more distinct
>         >                 > values correct?
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 > For example, I store a polygon, and then I
>         want to
>         >                 retrieve that
>         >                 > particular polygon. How do you go about
>         putting it
>         >                 together again? It
>         >                 > has to depend in some sort of identifier
>         no?
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 > Thank you both again for your time,
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 > Moises
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 > On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 2:47 PM, Chris
>         Eichelberger
>         >                 <cne1x@xxxxxxxx>
>         >                 > wrote:
>         >                 >         Moises,
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         Good question!  The good news is
>         that there
>         >                 is nothing special
>         >                 >         about how
>         >                 >         the keys are being constructed;
>         the
>         >                 interesting part is in how
>         >                 >         GeoMesa
>         >                 >         decides which keys should be
>         constructed...
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         (Apologies in advance if, in the
>         course of
>         >                 lecturing, I tell
>         >                 >         you things
>         >                 >         you already know.)
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         The first point to remember is
>         that each
>         >                 Geohash index-entry
>         >                 >         represents
>         >                 >         a cell.  For 35-bit Geohashes,
>         each cell is
>         >                 no more than ~150
>         >                 >         meters
>         >                 >         square.  A 0-bit (degenerate)
>         Geohash is the
>         >                 entire surface of
>         >                 >         the
>         >                 >         (flat) Earth.  Each bit of
>         precision you add
>         >                 to a Geohash
>         >                 >         halves exactly
>         >                 >         one of its dimensions (when
>         zero-based, even
>         >                 bits halve
>         >                 >         longitude; odd
>         >                 >         bits halve latitude).
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         Whenever you are indexing data
>         that contain
>         >                 only single-point
>         >                 >         geometries, there will be one
>         index-key per
>         >                 record, because
>         >                 >         every point
>         >                 >         will fall inside exactly one
>         Geohash cell.
>         >                 (Each Geohash cell
>         >                 >         in
>         >                 >         GeoMesa includes its minimum X and
>         minimum Y
>         >                 values, but
>         >                 >         excludes its
>         >                 >         maximum X and maximum Y extents.)
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         Whenever you are indexing
>         non-point
>         >                 geometries -- line
>         >                 >         strings;
>         >                 >         polygons; etc. -- you have a
>         problem:  How
>         >                 do you create a
>         >                 >         single
>         >                 >         index-entry for a geometry that
>         can cross
>         >                 multiple cell
>         >                 >         boundaries?  If
>         >                 >         you only index the vertices, you
>         lose
>         >                 information about the
>         >                 >         fact that
>         >                 >         the geometry covers the space
>         between them.
>         >                 There are
>         >                 >         typically two
>         >                 >         approaches to solving this
>         problem:
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         1.  You can encode a single entry
>         that
>         >                 represents the
>         >                 >         minimum-bounding
>         >                 >         cell description that contains
>         your
>         >                 geometry; or
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         2.  you can decompose your
>         geometry into
>         >                 covering cells, at
>         >                 >         potentially
>         >                 >         heterogeneous resolutions
>         (different sizes),
>         >                 and index each of
>         >                 >         those
>         >                 >         separately (and then de-duplicate
>         results at
>         >                 query time so
>         >                 >         that each
>         >                 >         feature appears no more than once
>         in any
>         >                 given results set).
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         GeoMesa takes approach #2 (for
>         now; we're
>         >                 experimenting with
>         >                 >         other ways
>         >                 >         to do this).  This is how the
>         polygon you
>         >                 quote, with a large
>         >                 >         number of
>         >                 >         points, can be decomposed into
>         just a few
>         >                 covering cells; each
>         >                 >         of those
>         >                 >         covering cells receives its own
>         index key.
>         >                 I've attached an
>         >                 >         image to
>         >                 >         this email that shows how a
>         polygon and a
>         >                 line-string can be
>         >                 >         decomposed.
>         >                 >         In practice, we do not allow
>         non-point
>         >                 geometries to be
>         >                 >         decomposed into
>         >                 >         so many covering Geohashes.  Here
>         is the
>         >                 reference to the code
>         >                 >         in
>         >                 >         GeoMesa where this decomposition
>         is called:
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         Please note that, with the advent
>         of the new
>         >                 Z3 index, we will
>         >                 >         be
>         >                 >         revisiting this scheme.  The Z3
>         index is
>         >                 much faster than the
>         >                 >         old
>         >                 >         Geohash-based index, but does not
>         yet
>         >                 support non-point
>         >                 >         geometries, so
>         >                 >         it's a great opportunity for us to
>         improve
>         >                 that feature.
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         I hope this addressed some of your
>         >                 questions; if not, or if
>         >                 >         you think of
>         >                 >         new ones, please just let us know.
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         Thanks!
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         Sincerely,
>         >                 >           -- Chris
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         On Fri, 2015-09-18 at 14:14 -0400,
>         Moises
>         >                 Baly wrote:
>         >                 >         > Hi there:
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         > I've come across some tests in
>         the project
>         >                 in my quest to
>         >                 >         understand
>         >                 >         > how indexes work and how is the
>         index
>         >                 partitioned in
>         >                 >         Accumulo's Key
>         >                 >         > (what goes where, and how is
>         constructed.
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         > val dummyType =
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >
>         >
>         SimpleFeatureTypes.createType("DummyType",s"foo:String,bar:Geometry,baz:Date,$DEFAULT_GEOMETRY_PROPERTY_NAME:Geometry,$DEFAULT_DTG_PROPERTY_NAME:Date,$DEFAULT_DTG_END_PROPERTY_NAME:Date")
>         >                 >         >   val customType =
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >
>         >
>         SimpleFeatureTypes.createType("DummyType",s"foo:String,bar:Geometry,baz:Date,*the_geom:Geometry,dt_start:Date,$DEFAULT_DTG_END_PROPERTY_NAME:Date")
>         >                 >         >
>          customType.setDtgField("dt_start")
>         >                 >         >   val dummyEncoder =
>         >                 SimpleFeatureSerializers(dummyType,
>         >                 >         > SerializationType.AVRO)
>         >                 >         >   val customEncoder =
>         >                 SimpleFeatureSerializers(customType,
>         >                 >         > SerializationType.AVRO)
>         >                 >         >   val dummyIndexValueEncoder =
>         >                 IndexValueEncoder(dummyType)`
>         >                 >         >   val geometryFactory = new
>         >                 GeometryFactory(new
>         >                 >         PrecisionModel, 4326)
>         >                 >         >   val now = new
>         DateTime().toDate
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >   val Apr_23_2001 = new
>         DateTime(2001, 4,
>         >                 23, 12, 5, 0,
>         >                 >         >
>         DateTimeZone.forID("UTC")).toDate
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >   val schemaEncoding = "%~#s%
>         feature#cstr%
>         >                 99#r::%~#s%
>         >                 >         0,4#gh::%~#s%
>         >                 >         > 4,3#gh%#id"
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >   val index =
>         >                 IndexSchema.buildKeyEncoder(dummyType,
>         >                 >         schemaEncoding)
>         >                 >         >  val line : Geometry =
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0272986617359,-78.5000196719491
>         >                 >         38.0272519798381,-78.5000300864205
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0272190279085,-78.5000370293904
>         >                 >         38.0271853867342,-78.5000439723542
>         >                 >         >
>         38.027151748305,-78.5000509153117
>         >                 >         38.027118112621,-78.5000578582629
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0270844741902,-78.5000648011924
>         >                 >         38.0270329867966,-78.5000648011781
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0270165108316,-78.5000682379314
>         >                 >         38.026999348366,-78.5000752155953
>         >                 >         >
>         38.026982185898,-78.5000786870602
>         >                 >         38.0269657099304,-78.5000856300045
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0269492339602,-78.5000891014656
>         >                 >         38.0269327579921,-78.5000960444045
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0269162820211,-78.5001064588197
>         >                 >         38.0269004925451,-78.5001134017528
>         >                 >         > 38.0268847030715,-78.50012381616
>         >                 >         38.0268689135938,-78.5001307590877
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0268538106175,-78.5001411734882
>         >                 >         38.0268387076367,-78.5001550593595
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0268236046505,-78.5001654737524
>         >                 >         38.0268091881659,-78.5001758881429
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0267954581791,-78.5001897740009
>         >                 >         38.0267810416871,-78.50059593303
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0263663951609,-78.5007972751677
>         >                 38.0261625038609)")
>         >                 >         >       val item =
>         >                 >
>         >
>         AvroSimpleFeatureFactory.buildAvroFeature(dummyType,
>         >                 >         > List("TEST_LINE", line, now,
>         line, now,
>         >                 now), "TEST_LINE")
>         >                 >         >       val toWrite = new
>         >                 FeatureToWrite(item, "",
>         >                 >         dummyEncoder,
>         >                 >         > dummyIndexValueEncoder)
>         >                 >         >       val indexEntries =
>         >                 index.encode(toWrite).toList
>         >                 >         >       indexEntries.size must
>         equalTo(1)
>         >                 >         >       indexEntries.head.size()
>         >                 mustEqual(6)
>         >                 >         >       val cf = new
>         >                 >         >
>         >
>          Text(indexEntries.head.getUpdates.get(0).getColumnFamily)
>         >                 >         >       val cq = new
>         >                 >         >
>         >
>          Text(indexEntries.head.getUpdates.get(0).getColumnQualifier)
>         >                 >         >       val keyStr = cf + "::" +
>         cq val
>         >                 line : Geometry =
>         >                 >         >
>         >       "LINESTRING(-78.5000092574703
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0272986617359,-78.5000196719491
>         >                 >         38.0272519798381,-78.5000300864205
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0272190279085,-78.5000370293904
>         >                 >         38.0271853867342,-78.5000439723542
>         >                 >         >
>         38.027151748305,-78.5000509153117
>         >                 >         38.027118112621,-78.5000578582629
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0270844741902,-78.5000648011924
>         >                 >         38.0270329867966,-78.5000648011781
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0270165108316,-78.5000682379314
>         >                 >         38.026999348366,-78.5000752155953
>         >                 >         >
>         38.026982185898,-78.5000786870602
>         >                 >         38.0269657099304,-78.5000856300045
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0269492339602,-78.5000891014656
>         >                 >         38.0269327579921,-78.5000960444045
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0269162820211,-78.5001064588197
>         >                 >         38.0269004925451,-78.5001134017528
>         >                 >         > 38.0268847030715,-78.50012381616
>         >                 >         38.0268689135938,-78.5001307590877
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0268538106175,-78.5001411734882
>         >                 >         38.0268387076367,-78.5001550593595
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0268236046505,-78.5001654737524
>         >                 >         38.0268091881659,-78.5001758881429
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0267954581791,-78.5001897740009
>         >                 >         38.0267810416871,-78.50059593303
>         >                 >         >
>         38.0263663951609,-78.5007972751677
>         >                 38.0261625038609)")
>         >                 >         >       val item =
>         >                 >
>         >
>         AvroSimpleFeatureFactory.buildAvroFeature(dummyType,
>         >                 >         > List("TEST_LINE", line, now,
>         line, now,
>         >                 now), "TEST_LINE")
>         >                 >         >       val toWrite = new
>         >                 FeatureToWrite(item, "",
>         >                 >         dummyEncoder,
>         >                 >         > dummyIndexValueEncoder)
>         >                 >         >       val indexEntries =
>         >                 index.encode(toWrite).toList
>         >                 >         >       indexEntries.size must
>         equalTo(1)
>         >                 >         >       indexEntries.head.size()
>         >                 mustEqual(6)
>         >                 >         >       val cf = new
>         >                 >         >
>         >
>          Text(indexEntries.head.getUpdates.get(0).getColumnFamily)
>         >                 >         >       val cq = new
>         >                 >         >
>         >
>          Text(indexEntries.head.getUpdates.get(0).getColumnQualifier)
>         >                 >         >       val keyStr = cf + "::" +
>         cq
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         > How all those points in the
>         Linestring
>         >                 translate to encoding
>         >                 >         only 6
>         >                 >         > rows in Accumulo? As far as I
>         understand,
>         >                 the Key definition
>         >                 >         > (string :: gh :: gh + ID) should
>         encode a
>         >                 single point
>         >                 >         correct? What
>         >                 >         > am I missing in the process
>         here?
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         > If somebody could walk me
>         through this
>         >                 example with special
>         >                 >         attention
>         >                 >         > to how the key is being
>         constructed it
>         >                 would be very much
>         >                 >         appreciated.
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         > Thank you for your time
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         > Moises
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >         >
>         >                 >
>         >                 >         >
>         >
>          _______________________________________________
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>         >                 >         > To change your delivery options,
>         retrieve
>         >                 your password, or
>         >                 >         unsubscribe from this list, visit
>         >                 >         >
>         >
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >                 >
>         >
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