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Re: [geomesa-users] Date Indexing, Stucked queries

One other thing: if you enable 'trace' level logging for our query planner class, we will print out the explain info for every query that gets run.
For log4j, it would be:



On 09/03/2015 02:10 PM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
Hi Ben,

Yes, the interop package is a java class that makes it easier to call our underlying scala classes from java - but the effect is the same.

We do have a method that will show you the ranges for a given query. Construct your query object as usual, and then call:

By default, this method will print various info to the console, including the number of ranges.

If you want a more detailed look, you can call:

Which will return the full objects that we use to create the accumulo scan.



On 09/03/2015 02:00 PM, Ben Southall wrote:

Given that I've seen timeout/out-of-memory issues too, I just wanted to check a couple of things:

Is org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.interop.SimpleFeatureTypes equivalent to org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.geotools.SimpleFeatureTypes in 1.1.0 rc.2?

Is there  a method that will return the underlying accumulo ranges for a given query, or is a breakpoint my best bet?



-----Original Message-----
From: geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:geomesa-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Emilio Lahr-Vivaz
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 7:07 PM
To: geomesa-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [geomesa-users] Date Indexing, Stucked queries

Hi Marcel,

The problem with your date not being indexed is because you are using the DataUtilities class to create your simple feature type. The index hints are a geomesa-specific feature, so to trigger them you have to use the following method instead:


I think the issue with your memory is that your query is fairly large (5+ years), which means that we end up creating a lot of ranges for accumulo to scan. I used a small polygon 4 by 5 degrees square with that date range, and the query resulted in 660261 ranges. To alleviate the problem, you may want to split your query up into smaller chunks (maybe
6 months at a time).

I've created a ticket here to track the issue:



On 09/02/2015 02:20 PM, Marcel wrote:
This is how I build my simple feature type (slightly adapted version
from geomesa-gdelt project).

private static SimpleFeatureType buildGDELTFeatureType(String
featureName) throws SchemaException {
         String spec = Joiner.on(",").join(attributes);
         SimpleFeatureType featureType =
DataUtilities.createType(featureName, spec);
         // This tells GeoMesa to use this Attribute as the Start Time
index featureType.getUserData().put(Constants.SF_PROPERTY_START_TIME,
         return featureType;

      * list of gdelt attributes with their datatypes. *geom indicates
that this attribute will be the default geometry.
     private static List<String> attributes =
Lists.newArrayList("GLOBALEVENTID:Integer", "SQLDATE:Date:index=full",
             "Year:Integer", "FractionDate:Float", "Actor1Code:String",
"Actor1Name:String", "Actor1CountryCode:String",
             "Actor1KnownGroupCode:String", "Actor1EthnicCode:String",
             "Actor1Religion2Code:String", "Actor1Type1Code:String",
"Actor1Type2Code:String", "Actor1Type3Code:String",
             "Actor2Code:String", "Actor2Name:String",
"Actor2CountryCode:String", "Actor2KnownGroupCode:String",
             "Actor2EthnicCode:String", "Actor2Religion1Code:String",
             "Actor2Type1Code:String", "Actor2Type2Code:String",
"Actor2Type3Code:String", "IsRootEvent:Integer",
             "EventCode:String", "EventBaseCode:String",
"EventRootCode:String", "QuadClass:Integer",
             "GoldsteinScale:Float", "NumMentions:Integer",
"NumSources:Integer", "NumArticles:Integer", "AvgTone:Float",
             "Actor1Geo_Type:Integer", "Actor1Geo_FullName:String",
             "Actor1Geo_ADM1Code:String", "Actor1Geo_Lat:Float",
"Actor1Geo_Long:Float", "Actor1Geo_FeatureID:String",
             "Actor2Geo_Type:Integer", "Actor2Geo_FullName:String",
             "Actor2Geo_ADM1Code:String", "Actor2Geo_Lat:Float",
"Actor2Geo_Long:Float", "Actor2Geo_FeatureID:String",
             "ActionGeo_Type:Integer", "ActionGeo_FullName:String",
             "ActionGeo_ADM1Code:String", "ActionGeo_Lat:Float",
"ActionGeo_Long:Float", "ActionGeo_FeatureID:String",
             "DATEADDED:Integer", "SourceUrl:String",

I´m using geomesa 1.1.0-rc.4. Yes I dropped all of my geomesa-table
before reingesting them.

These stucked queries and heapspace errors only occurs when executing
geotemporal queries like this one. I ingested a 1 GiB gdelt-testfile.

      * find all events in ukraine since 2010 (until 2015-06-30) in
      * with protests (eventrootcode = 14).
     private static SimpleFeatureIterator
getResultsForQuery13(Map<String, String> dsConf) {

         SimpleFeatureSource featureSource =

         FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();

         DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
         Date start = null;
         Date end = null;
         try {
             start = df.parse("2010-01-01");
             end = df.parse("2015-06-30");
         } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {

         Filter timeFilter =
ff.between(, ff.literal(start),
         // bound query spatially to ukraine
         Filter spatialFilter = null;
         try {
             spatialFilter = ECQL.toFilter(
                     "Contains(Polygon((34.01626 44.00715, ...
,34.01626 44.00715)), " + GDELTConstants.GEOM + ")");
         } catch (CQLException e) {

         // Now we can combine our time filter and our spatial filter
using a
         // boolean and operator
         Filter timeSpatialFilter = ff.and(timeFilter, spatialFilter);
         Filter attributeFilter =, "14");
         Filter completeFilter = ff.and(timeSpatialFilter,

         Query query = new
                 new String[] { GDELTConstants.GLOBAL_EVENTID,
GDELTConstants.DATE });
         SimpleFeatureCollection sfCollection = null;
         try {
             sfCollection = featureSource.getFeatures(query);
         } catch (IOException e) {

         return sfCollection.features();

Marcel Jacob.

Am 01.09.2015 21:34, schrieb Emilio Lahr-Vivaz:
Hi Marcel,

Could you provide your full simple feature type string? I'll try to
reproduce the error you're seeing with the full table scan. Also,
what version of geomesa are you currently using? Did you re-ingest
your data using the new version? If not, what was the old version
that you ingested the data with?

With regards to the queries not finishing - we try to optimize
queries so that they only scan records that are likely to match.
However, depending on the query, we can't always do that. If you're
seeing the 'full table scan' warning, then the query won't completely
return until it has scanned your entire dataset, even if none of the
features actually match. In all cases, the scan should eventually
return, but if you're getting memory errors you might need to bump up
some settings somewhere. If java gets low on memory and starts
swapping to disk, it can slow things to a crawl. Where are you seeing
the heapspace errors?



On 09/01/2015 11:58 AM, Marcel wrote:
after some weeks of abstinence I continued working with Geomesa.
First of all I updated to the new geomesa version and some of my
problems got solved.
Unfortunately others were not. My data imported successfully on the
cluster, but it seems that my Date attribute was not indexed. I used
"SQLDATE:Date:index=full" for this attribute. But when executing a
query using a temporal filter the logger says: "Running full table
scan for schema event with filter SQLDATE AFTER
1991-04-28T22:00:00+00:00". Is this the correct way to define that
my attribute should be indexed?

Another problem seems to appear when there are 0 results for my
query.  These queries often dont finish. Sometimes even a HeapSpace
error occurs. Maybe this stays in connection with my missing
indexing date attribute when scanning over all records.

Best regards,
Marcel Jacob.
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