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Re: [geomesa-users] deployment issue, JAI package link broken

Hi Florian,

Thanks for mentioning this.  We ran into this a few weeks ago, and on our master branch, we have updated the link.(1)  

In the off chance that you are restricted from using JAI or choose not to, GeoMesa does provide many capabilities without it.  I mention that since JAI (while useful) is not as open as other parts of the open source geo-stack.  Now that Oracle seems to have pulled the library, members of LocationTech and OSGeo are working toward forming a new project to fill the gap.

Anyhow, as you get started with GeoMesa, feel free to ask questions here.



1.  Check out  The download script now points to http://

----- Original Message -----
"Geomesa User discussions" <geomesa-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Fri, 7 Aug 2015 14:08:15 +0200
[geomesa-users] deployment issue, JAI package link broken


We are a big data startup from Belgium, and would love to use Geomesa.
I wanted to let you know that the package Java Advanced Imaging (jai) is no longer available from the Oracle website, and thus, for the moment, it not possible to install Geomesa.

This is the broken link

Used in this file

Best regards,

Florian Goossens

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