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[geomesa-users] GeomesaSpark


I´m trying to retrieve a RDD using the GeomesaSpark class. Unfortunately a NullPointerException is thrown during execution of this method:
GeoMesaSpark.rdd(conf, sparkContext, ds, query1);

It says SimpleFeatureType.encodeType throws this exception. Is something wrong with my datatore or my arguments? Here is my code:

        Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
        map.put("instanceId", "accumulo");
        map.put("zookeepers", "node1-scads02:2181");
        map.put("user", "user");      
        map.put("password", "password");
        map.put("tableName", "gdelt");
        map.put("featureName", "event");
        AccumuloDataStore ds = (AccumuloDataStore) DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(map);
        SparkConf sc = new SparkConf(true);
        sc.set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer");
        sc.set("spark.kryo.serializer.buffer.mb", "24");
        Configuration conf = new Configuration();
        SparkConf sc2 = GeoMesaSpark.init(sc, ds);
        SparkContext sparkContext = new SparkContext("spark://node1-scads02:7077", "countryWithMostEvent", sc2);
        Filter f = Filter.INCLUDE;
        Query query1 = new Query("gdelt", f, new String[]{"Actor1CountryCode", "Actor2CountryCode"});
        RDD<SimpleFeature> actorResultRDD = GeoMesaSpark.rdd(conf, sparkContext, ds, query1);

Thanks again.

ps: It would be great when anybody could post a working GeomesaSpark example in Java including a RDD transformation.

Best regards
Marcel Jacob.

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