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Re: [geomesa-users] Missing jar

Ounce again thanks for the help that worked!

Is there a document that describes these additional steps?

On 03/18/2015 10:53 AM, Andrew Hulbert wrote:

This could be JAI (Java Advanced Imaging) which is GPL so we can't distribute it.

This usually crops up with Shape files...

If you look in the bin folder of the distribution of the geomesa tools there is a script 'bin/geomesa-install-jai' that should prompt you to accept the GPL license and install it for the tools. Is it locally or on the t-servers?

Here's my version:

$ geomesa-install-jai
Java Advanced Imaging (jai) is LGPL licensed and is not distributed with GeoMesa...are you sure you want to install it from ? [Y/n]Y
Trying to install Java Advanced Imaging (jai) from to /home/ahulbert/dev/geomesa/geomesa-1.0.0-rc.4-SNAPSHOT
--2015-03-18 13:52:42--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 2056699 (2.0M) [application/zip]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/’

100%[=========================================================>] 2,056,699   4.06MB/s   in 0.5s  

2015-03-18 13:52:45 (4.06 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/’ saved [2056699/2056699]

Archive:  /tmp/
  inflating: /home/andrew/tools/geomesa-1.0.0-rc.5-SNAPSHOT/lib/jai_codec.jar 
  inflating: /home/andrew/tools/geomesa-1.0.0-rc.5-SNAPSHOT/lib/jai_core.jar 
Successfully installed jai to /home/andrew/tools/geomesa-1.0.0-rc.5-SNAPSHOT

On 03/18/2015 01:50 PM, David J. Bakeman wrote:
Anybody know what jar contains the following class:

I'm getting the class not found error when I try an ingest.


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