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Re: [geomesa-users] test failures in default branch of git clone (accumulo1.5.x/1.x)

Hey Jeff,
I just merged Emilio's branch into the codebase, so you should be able to use the main accumulo1.5.x./1.x branch on your Mac now. Let us know if anything else comes up!


----- Original Message -----
"Geomesa User discussions" <geomesa-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


Thu, 05 Mar 2015 13:02:59 -0500
Re: [geomesa-users] test failures in default branch of git clone (accumulo1.5.x/1.x)

all tests passed

On 3/5/15 12:08 PM, Jim Hughes wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> Would you be willing to try out another branch from Emilio? It is
> called elahrvivaz-fcr_map_test and you can see more details here:
> I'm reviewing the PR for this fix, and I'd love to know if it works
> for you.
> Thanks in advance,
> Jim
> On 03/05/2015 09:06 AM, Jeff Turner wrote:
>> the exception is deterministic.
>> changing isolated to sequential did not avoid the exception
>> thanks,
>> On 3/5/15 8:36 AM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
>>> Hi Jeff,
>>> Great to hear about the build!
>>> I'm not able to reproduce that test failure you're seeing below. It
>>> might be another OS X quirk, or possibly some kind of threading
>>> issue - our kryo serializers are not thread-safe, and sometimes our
>>> tests have problems due to that. Does the issue occur every time you
>>> build, or is it intermittent? You might try changing 'isolated' at
>>> the top of that test to 'sequential' and see if that makes a
>>> difference. If not, you can always build using
>>> -Dmaven.test.skip=true, as you probably know.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Emilio
>>> On 03/05/2015 08:04 AM, Jeff Turner wrote:
>>>> sorry to waste your time. i didn't understand OS X java well enough.
>>>> even though running java -version and javac -version both reported
>>>> java 8,
>>>> i had to explicitly export JAVA_HOME (and update PATH). maven was
>>>> still using
>>>> some java 6.
>>>> i'm able to build the 1.0.0 rc3 release now.
>>>> thanks for your help.
>>>> (i'm not currently able to build from git branch accumulo1.5.x/1.x,
>>>> but
>>>> i don't think that's a java-version thing, and i assume it's
>>>> temporary)
>>>> MapAggregatingIterator with Double key should::calculate correct
>>>> aggregated
>>>> totals(org.locationtech.geomesa.core.iterators.MapAggregatingIteratorTest)
>>>> Time elapsed: 0.093 sec <<< ERROR!
>>>> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to
>>>> java.lang.String
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$matchEncode$1.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:143)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtechgeomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$matchEncode$1.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:143)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$matchEncode$11$$anonfun$apply$4.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:237)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$matchEncode$11$$anonfun$apply$4.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:237)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$matchEncode$11.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:237)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$matchEncode$11.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:231)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$sftEncodings$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:129)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$sftEncodings$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:129)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$write$1.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:47)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer$$anonfun$write$1.apply(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:47)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer.write(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:47)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.SimpleFeatureSerializer.write(SimpleFeatureSerializer.scala:37)
>>>> at com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Kryo.writeObject(
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.kryo.KryoFeatureSerializer.write(KryoFeatureSerializerscala:50)
>>>> at
>>>> orglocationtech.geomesa.feature.KryoFeatureEncoder.encode(SimpleFeatureEncoder.scala:208)
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.core.index.IndexEntryEncoder.encode(IndexEntry.scala:109)
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.coredata.tables.SpatioTemporalTable$$anonfun$spatioTemporalWriter$1.apply(SpatioTemporalTable.scala:34)
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> at
>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.core.iterators.MapAggregatingIteratorTest.loadFeatures(MapAggregatingIteratorTest.scala:94)
>>>> On 3/3/15 8:34 AM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
>>>>> Hmm, it appears that AutoCloseable is still part of java 8:
>>>>> java.lang classes should be in the default scope, so they
>>>>> shouldn't need to be imported. I'm not sure what the issue is
>>>>> there. Maybe something in the scala/java interaction. Sorry I
>>>>> can't offer more insight.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Emilio
>>>>> On 03/03/2015 07:29 AM, Jeff Turner wrote:
>>>>>> thanks. i'm past that hurdle now, and on to:
>>>>>> [INFO] --- scala-maven-plugin:3.2.0:compile (scala-compile-first)
>>>>>> @ geomesa-core-accumulo1.5 ---
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>> /Users/jeff/src/geo/cloud/geomesa/git/geomesa/geomesa-core/src/main/java:-1:
>>>>>> info: compiling
>>>>>> [INFO]
>>>>>> /Users/jeff/src/geo/cloud/geomesa/git/geomesa/geomesa-core/src/main/scala:-1:
>>>>>> info: compiling
>>>>>> [INFO] Compiling 92 source files to
>>>>>> /Users/jeff/src/geo/cloud/geomesa/git/geomesa/geomesa-core/target/classes
>>>>>> at 1425384321225
>>>>>> [INFO] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>> /Users/jeff/src/geo/cloud/geomesa/git/geomesa/geomesa-core/src/main/scala/org/locationtech/geomesa/core/util/BatchMultiScanner.scala:33:
>>>>>> error: not found: type AutoCloseable
>>>>>> [ERROR] extends Iterable[java.util.Map.Entry[Key, Value]] with
>>>>>> AutoCloseable with Logging {
>>>>>> [ERROR] ^
>>>>>> [ERROR] one error found
>>>>>> could that be a java 8 vs java 7 thing?
>>>>>> On 3/2/15 9:17 AM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>>>>> Specifically, I believe the problem is due to default character
>>>>>>> encodings. There are some places where we use String.getBytes()
>>>>>>> without specifying a charset. It might help if you can set your
>>>>>>> default charset to UTF-8.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Emilio
>>>>>>> On 03/02/2015 09:13 AM, Jim Hughes wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>>>>>> As a quick response, I have noticed this build failure on
>>>>>>>> Windows as well. Since most Accumulo users will be deploying
>>>>>>>> to a Linux cloud, we are focused on developing in that
>>>>>>>> environment.
>>>>>>>> I believe the issue is related to character sets or some other
>>>>>>>> small detail which varies by OS. One of our developers, Jake,
>>>>>>>> is working on a Homebrew build, so I'll let him weigh in if he
>>>>>>>> has a work-around for a Mac OS build.
>>>>>>>> In terms of Java versions, several of us are using Java 7. I'm
>>>>>>>> not aware of any issues with Java 8, but I lack personal
>>>>>>>> experience. Building on Linux should be fine. Sorry that I
>>>>>>>> don't have better news
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Jim
>>>>>>>> On 03/02/2015 07:32 AM, Jeff Turner wrote:
>>>>>>>>> i'm trying to "mvn clean install" from a fresh git clone, without
>>>>>>>>> doing any special branch checkout first. java 8 on OS X.
>>>>>>>>> i get the following test failures.
>>>>>>>>> any clues? should i not be using java 8?
>>>>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>>>>> jeff
>>>>>>>>> Running
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.FeatureSpecificReaderTest
>>>>>>>>> Beginning Performance Testing against file...
>>>>>>>>> Number of fields: 60
>>>>>>>>> Number of records: 1000
>>>>>>>>> Text Read time 332ms
>>>>>>>>> Avro Subset Read time 81ms
>>>>>>>>> Tests run: 6, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time
>>>>>>>>> elapsed: 5.73 sec <<< FAILURE! - in
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.FeatureSpecificReaderTest
>>>>>>>>> testComplexDeserialize(org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.FeatureSpecificReaderTest)
>>>>>>>>> Time elapsed: 0.052 sec <<< FAILURE!
>>>>>>>>> org.junit.ComparisonFailure: expected:<[??????????]> but
>>>>>>>>> was:<[??????????]>
>>>>>>>>> at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
>>>>>>>>> at org.junit.Assert.assertEquals(
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.FeatureSpecificReaderTest$$anonfun$testComplexDeserialize$1$$anonfun$apply$mcVI$sp$2.apply(FeatureSpecificReaderTest.scala:295)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.FeatureSpecificReaderTest$$anonfun$testComplexDeserialize$1$$anonfun$apply$mcVI$sp$2.apply(FeatureSpecificReaderTest.scala:294)
>>>>>>>>> at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:318)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.FeatureSpecificReaderTest$$anonfun$testComplexDeserialize$1.apply$mcVI$sp(FeatureSpecificReaderTest.scala:294)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> scala.collection.immutable.Range.foreach$mVc$sp(Range.scala:141)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.FeatureSpecificReaderTest.testComplexDeserialize(FeatureSpecificReaderTest.scala:290)
>>>>>>>>> Running
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest
>>>>>>>>> Tests run: 7, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time
>>>>>>>>> elapsed: 0.948 sec <<< FAILURE! - in
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest
>>>>>>>>> FeatureSpecificReader should::deserialize complex
>>>>>>>>> feature(org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest)
>>>>>>>>> Time elapsed: 0.129 sec <<< FAILURE!
>>>>>>>>> org.specs2.reporter.SpecFailureAssertionFailedError:
>>>>>>>>> expected:<[??????????]> but was:<[??????????]>
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply$71$$anonfun$apply$27$$anonfun$apply$mcVI$sp$1.apply(Version1BackwardsCompatTest.scala:267)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply$71$$anonfun$apply$27$$anonfun$apply$mcVI$sp$1.apply(Version1BackwardsCompatTest.scala:266)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply$71$$anonfun$apply$27.apply$mcVI$sp(Version1BackwardsCompatTest.scala:266)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply$71.apply(Version1BackwardsCompatTest.scala:263)
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>> org.locationtech.geomesa.feature.serde.Version1BackwardsCompatTest$$anonfun$3$$anonfun$apply$71.apply(Version1BackwardsCompatTest.scala:248)
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