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Re: [geomesa-dev] Query result is unstable on geomesa_2.11-2.1.0 against geomesa2.11-2.0.2

Thanks for the detailed debugging. Were you able to see what was ultimately going wrong? That is a new class for 2.1, although it should be a drop-in replacement for the old one. I opened a ticket here and will look into it:



On 12/9/18 8:36 PM, 张福高 wrote:

Hi GeoMesa Devs,

Thanks for your answer. By debugging and tracing the source code, I found that in HBaseIndedexAdapter.scala there is a function called scanConfig and I changed some code,

 specifically I used  

                    val remoteCQLFilter = ecql.getOrElse(Filter.INCLUDE)

                    val encodedSft = SimpleFeatureTypes.encodeType(returenSchema)

                   val filter = new JSimpleFeatureFilter(sft, remoteCQLFilter, "", encodedSft)

                   Seq((JSimpleFeatureFilter.Priority, filter))  (2.0.2 source code)

  to substitute  for Seq((CqlTransformFilter.Priority, CqlTransformFilter(schema, ecql, transform))) (2.1.0 source code)  and after that, my polygon query went right.  Is it the difference between JSimpleFeatureFilter and CqlTransformFilter that causes the unstable query result problem?








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