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Re: [geomesa-dev] Ticket for doc contribution

That would be great, thanks! I've created a ticket here and assigned it to you:

I've also given you developer access, so that you can create and update tickets.

I assume you've seen the existing docs? That would probably be the best place to add the additional information:



On 02/08/2018 09:44 AM, GRISOT, REMI wrote:

I'd like to contribute to the Geomesa documentation: add parameters'name and their description for some of the geomesa processes (HashAttributeProcess, HasAttributeColorProcess, JoinProcess, KNearestNeighborSearchProcess, Point2PointProcess, ProximitySearchProcess, RouteSearchProcess SamplingProcess, TrackLabelProcess and TubeSelectProcess). According to that page, I have to be assigned a Jira ticket to do so. Could you please create one and assign it to me?

Thank you

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