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Re: [geomesa-dev] Geomesa Feature Count always returning zero!!!

I am not able to understand why stats count is taking such a long time though only 1 million record exists?.
What factors can affect this time?
What going miserably wrong?

On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Suresh Prajapati <sureshpraja1234@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Thank You Emillio

I enabled explain logging. Here is my log details.

[2017-04-26 16:16:31,537] TRACE Explainer: Planning 'aj_v53' r = 31
0 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  - Planning 'aj_v53' r = 31
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,539] TRACE Explainer:   Original filter: r = 31
2 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Original filter: r = 31
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,540] TRACE Explainer:   Hints: density[false] bin[false] stats[false] map-aggregate[false] sampling[none]
3 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Hints: density[false] bin[false] stats[false] map-aggregate[false] sampling[none]
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,541] TRACE Explainer:   Sort: none
4 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Sort: none
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,542] TRACE Explainer:   Transforms: g=g
5 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Transforms: g=g
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,543] TRACE Explainer:   Strategy selection:
6 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Strategy selection:
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,565] TRACE Explainer:     Query processing took 19ms and produced 1 options
28 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Query processing took 19ms and produced 1 options
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,567] TRACE Explainer:     Filter plan: FilterPlan[AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]]
30 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Filter plan: FilterPlan[AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]]
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,568] TRACE Explainer:     Strategy selection took 2ms for 1 options
31 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Strategy selection took 2ms for 1 options
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,569] TRACE Explainer:   Strategy 1 of 1: AttributeIndex
32 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Strategy 1 of 1: AttributeIndex
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,570] TRACE Explainer:     Strategy filter: AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]
33 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Strategy filter: AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,620] TRACE Explainer:     Plan: org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.index.BatchScanPlan
83 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Plan: org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.index.BatchScanPlan
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,621] TRACE Explainer:       Table: aj_v53_attr_v4
84 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Table: aj_v53_attr_v4
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,622] TRACE Explainer:       Deduplicate: false
85 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Deduplicate: false
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,622] TRACE Explainer:       Column Families (1): List(I)
85 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Column Families (1): List(I)
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,624] TRACE Explainer:       Ranges (1): [%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%00;::%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%01;)
87 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Ranges (1): [%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%00;::%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%01;)
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,626] TRACE Explainer:       Iterators (1):
89 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Iterators (1):
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,628] TRACE Explainer:         name:filter-transform-iter, priority:25, class:org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.iterators.KryoLazyFilterTransformIterator, properties:{sft=*g:Point:srid=4326,ts:Date;geomesa.index.dtg='ts',geomesa.table.sharing='true',geomesa.indices='attr:4:3,records:2:3,z2:3:3',geomesa.table.sharing.prefix='\u0001', tdefs=g=g, index=attr:4, tsft=*g:Point:srid=4326}
91 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -         name:filter-transform-iter, priority:25, class:org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.iterators.KryoLazyFilterTransformIterator, properties:{sft=*g:Point:srid=4326,ts:Date;geomesa.index.dtg='ts',geomesa.table.sharing='true',geomesa.indices='attr:4:3,records:2:3,z2:3:3',geomesa.table.sharing.prefix='\u0001', tdefs=g=g, index=attr:4, tsft=*g:Point:srid=4326}
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,629] TRACE Explainer:     Plan creation took 49ms
92 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Plan creation took 49ms
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,630] TRACE Explainer:   Query planning took 137ms
93 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Query planning took 137ms
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,644] TRACE Explainer: Planning 'aj_v53' r = 31
107 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  - Planning 'aj_v53' r = 31
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,644] TRACE Explainer:   Original filter: r = 31
107 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Original filter: r = 31
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,644] TRACE Explainer:   Hints: density[false] bin[false] stats[true] map-aggregate[false] sampling[none]
107 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Hints: density[false] bin[false] stats[true] map-aggregate[false] sampling[none]
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,644] TRACE Explainer:   Sort: none
107 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Sort: none
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,644] TRACE Explainer:   Transforms: None
107 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Transforms: None
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,644] TRACE Explainer:   Strategy selection:
107 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Strategy selection:
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,646] TRACE Explainer:     Query processing took 1ms and produced 1 options
109 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Query processing took 1ms and produced 1 options
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,646] TRACE Explainer:     Filter plan: FilterPlan[AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]]
109 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Filter plan: FilterPlan[AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]]
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,647] TRACE Explainer:     Strategy selection took 0ms for 1 options
110 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Strategy selection took 0ms for 1 options
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,647] TRACE Explainer:   Strategy 1 of 1: AttributeIndex
110 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Strategy 1 of 1: AttributeIndex
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,647] TRACE Explainer:     Strategy filter: AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]
110 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Strategy filter: AttributeIndex[r = 31][None]
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,656] TRACE Explainer:     Plan: org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.index.BatchScanPlan
119 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Plan: org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.index.BatchScanPlan
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,656] TRACE Explainer:       Table: aj_v53_attr_v4
119 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Table: aj_v53_attr_v4
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,656] TRACE Explainer:       Deduplicate: false
119 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Deduplicate: false
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,656] TRACE Explainer:       Column Families (1): List(I)
119 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Column Families (1): List(I)
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,657] TRACE Explainer:       Ranges (1): [%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%00;::%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%01;)
120 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Ranges (1): [%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%00;::%01;%00;%00;800000000000001f%01;)
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,657] TRACE Explainer:       Iterators (1):
120 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -       Iterators (1):
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,657] TRACE Explainer:         name:stats-iter, priority:30, class:org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.iterators.KryoLazyStatsIterator, properties:{sft=*g:Point:srid=4326,ts:Date;geomesa.index.dtg='ts',geomesa.table.sharing='true',geomesa.indices='attr:4:3,records:2:3,z2:3:3',geomesa.table.sharing.prefix='\u0001', dupes=false, index=attr:4, geomesa.stats.string=Count()}
120 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -         name:stats-iter, priority:30, class:org.locationtech.geomesa.accumulo.iterators.KryoLazyStatsIterator, properties:{sft=*g:Point:srid=4326,ts:Date;geomesa.index.dtg='ts',geomesa.table.sharing='true',geomesa.indices='attr:4:3,records:2:3,z2:3:3',geomesa.table.sharing.prefix='\u0001', dupes=false, index=attr:4, geomesa.stats.string=Count()}
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,657] TRACE Explainer:     Plan creation took 9ms
120 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -     Plan creation took 9ms
[2017-04-26 16:16:31,658] TRACE Explainer:   Query planning took 17ms
121 [Thread-5] TRACE org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer  -   Query planning took 17ms

Once again
Thank You
Suresh Prajapati

On Tue, Apr 25, 2017 at 6:51 PM, Emilio Lahr-Vivaz <elahrvivaz@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Suresh,

By default count will return an estimate using cached statistics. You can force it to make an exact count using query hints or system properties:

Note, however, that in the end it will still be calling the stats.getCount method that you were trying earlier. The hints/sys props just control the 'exact' flag that gets passed into that method.

In general counts in a no-sql database are expensive...

Can you try enabling explain logging and report back what it says for your stats query? You just need to configure your logger so that ' org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.Explainer' is set to trace logging. E.g. for log4j xml it would be like:



On 04/25/2017 06:16 AM, Suresh Prajapati wrote:
Hello Everyone

I am developing geomesa client to perform basic read write and delete operations. I have also created a function which will return matching feature count for specified query, however it always returns zero, i also tried DataStore stats for fetching the matching feature count but it is very slow. Below is my client code: 

package com.hps;


import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Map;










import org.geotools.factory.Hints;

import org.geotools.filter.text.cql2.CQL;

import org.geotools.filter.text.ecql.ECQL;

import org.geotools.geometry.jts.JTSFactoryFinder;



import org.locationtech.geomesa.index.utils.ExplainLogging;

import org.locationtech.geomesa.utils.interop.SimpleFeatureTypes;

import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature;

import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType;

import com.hps.schemas.Event;

import com.hps.schemas.QueryAdvanced;

import com.hps.schemas.QueryBasic;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;

public class GeomesaClient {

  private AccumuloDataStore ds = null;

  private AccumuloAppendFeatureWriter fw = null;

  private SimpleFeatureSource sfs = null;

  private FeatureSource fs = null;

  private String tableName = "";

  private boolean isFlushed = true;

  private long lastFlushTs = 0;

  private FeatureStore fst = null;

  private SimpleFeatureType sft;

  public interface QueryListener {

    public void onFeature(SimpleFeature f);


  public GeomesaClient(Map<String, String> dsConfthrows Exception {

    this.ds = (AccumuloDataStore) DataStoreFinder.getDataStore(dsConf);

    this.tableName = dsConf.get("tableName");

    sft = createFeatureType();




    this.fw = (AccumuloAppendFeatureWriter) (this.ds.getFeatureWriterAppend(sft.getTypeName(),


    this.sfs = ds.getFeatureSource(sft.getTypeName());

    this.fs = ((DataStore) ds).getFeatureSource(sft.getTypeName());

    this.fst = (FeatureStoresfs;


  private SimpleFeatureType createFeatureType() {


      StringBuilder simpleFeatureTypeBuilder = new StringBuilder();


      // device data

      // "*g:Point:srid=4326," + "di:Integer:index=full:cardinality=high," +

      // "al:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,"

      // + "s:Float:index=join:cardinality=low," +

      // "b:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,"

      // + "an:Float:index=join:cardinality=low," +

      // "he:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,"

      // + "ve:Float:index=join:cardinality=low," +

      // "t:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,"

      // + "m:Boolean:index=join:cardinality=low," +

      // "i:Boolean:index=join:cardinality=low,"

      // + "ts:Long:index=join:cardinality=low;" +

      // "geomesa.indexes.enabled='attr_idx,records,z2'";

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("*g:Point:srid=4326,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("di:Integer,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("al:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("s:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("b:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("an:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("he:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("ve:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("t:Float:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("m:Boolean:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("i:Boolean:index=join:cardinality=low,");

      // simpleFeatureTypeBuilder.append("ts:Long:index=join:cardinality=low;");














      return SimpleFeatureTypes.createType(tableNamesimpleFeatureTypeBuilder.toString());


    catch(Exception ex){


      return null;



  public void insert(Event event) {


      SimpleFeature sf =;

      sf.getUserData().put(Hints.USE_PROVIDED_FID, java.lang.Boolean.FALSE);



      sf.setAttribute("g", JTSFactoryFinder.getGeometryFactory().createPoint(new Coordinate(event.latevent.lng)));












      isFlushed = false;



    catch(Exception ex){




  public void flush(boolean force) {

    if(!isFlushed && System.currentTimeMillis() - lastFlushTs >= 1000){


      isFlushed = true;

      lastFlushTs = System.currentTimeMillis();

      System.out.println("flush success");


    else if(force){

      System.out.println("flush failed");

      lastFlushTs = System.currentTimeMillis();



  public void query(String queryStr, Integer limit, Integer offset, QueryListener ql) {

    System.out.println("queryString : " + queryStr);

    System.out.println("limit : " + limit);

    System.out.println("offset : " + offset);

    SimpleFeatureIterator iterator = null;


      if(queryStr != null && !queryStr.isEmpty()){

        Query query = new Query(tableName, CQL.toFilter(queryStr));

        // FilterFactory2 ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();

        // SortBy[] sort = new SortBy[] { ff.sort("ts", SortOrder.DESCENDING) };

        // query.setSortBy(sort);

        if(limit != null && limit > 0)


        if(offset != null && offset > 0)


        System.out.println("Query : " + query.toString());

        iterator = sfs.getFeatures(query).features();

        System.out.println("Before iterator while");




        System.out.println("Exiting iterator while");



    catch(Exception ex){




      if(iterator != null)




  public int getRideCount(Long rideIdthrows Exception {

    int count = 0;

    if(rideId != null){

      count = fs.getCount(new Query(tableName, CQL.toFilter("r="+rideId)));

      //count = ((Long) (ds.stats().getCount(sft, CQL.toFilter("r=" + rideId), true).get())).intValue();


    return count;


  public void delete(QueryBasicriteriathrows Exception {




   * Query/Filter functions


  private void appendQuery(StringBuilder original, String query) {

    if(original.length() > 0)

      original.append(" AND ");



  public String getQuery(QueryBasic filter) {

    StringBuilder qryStrBldr = null;


      if(filter != null){

        qryStrBldr = new StringBuilder();

        if(filter.rideid != null && filter.rideid >= -1){

          appendQuery(qryStrBldr"r = " + filter.rideid);


        if(filter.devid != null && filter.devid > 0){

          appendQuery(qryStrBldr"di = " + filter.devid);


        if(filter.tsFr != null && filter.tsFr > 0){

          appendQuery(qryStrBldr"ts >= " + filter.tsFr);


        if(filter.tsTo != null && filter.tsTo > 0){

          appendQuery(qryStrBldr"ts <= " + filter.tsTo);




    catch(Exception ex){



    return qryStrBldr.toString();


  public String getQuery(QueryAdvanced advanceFilter) {


      if(advanceFilter != null){

        QueryBasic basic = advanceFilter.basic;

        StringBuilder qryStrBldr = new StringBuilder();


        if(qryStrBldr.length() > 0){

          if(advanceFilter.latFr != null && advanceFilter.latTo != null && advanceFilter.lngFr != null

              && advanceFilter.lngTo != null){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"BBOX(g, " + advanceFilter.latFr + ", " + advanceFilter.lngFr + ", "

                + advanceFilter.latTo + ", " + advanceFilter.lngTo + ")");


          if(advanceFilter.altFr != null && advanceFilter.altFr > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"al >= " + advanceFilter.altFr);


          if(advanceFilter.altTo != null && advanceFilter.altTo > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"al <= " + advanceFilter.altTo);


          if(advanceFilter.spdFr != null && advanceFilter.spdFr > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"s >= " + advanceFilter.spdFr);


          if(advanceFilter.spdTo != null && advanceFilter.spdTo > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"s <= " + advanceFilter.spdTo);


          if(advanceFilter.brgFr != null && advanceFilter.brgFr > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"b >= " + advanceFilter.brgFr);


          if(advanceFilter.brgTo != null && advanceFilter.brgTo > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"b <= " + advanceFilter.brgTo);


          if(advanceFilter.angFr != null && advanceFilter.angFr > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"an >= " + advanceFilter.angFr);


          if(advanceFilter.angTo != null && advanceFilter.angTo > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"an <= " + advanceFilter.angTo);


          if(advanceFilter.hepeFr != null && advanceFilter.hepeFr > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"he >= " + advanceFilter.hepeFr);


          if(advanceFilter.hepeTo != null && advanceFilter.hepeTo > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"he <= " + advanceFilter.hepeTo);


          if(advanceFilter.vepeFr != null && advanceFilter.vepeFr > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"ve >= " + advanceFilter.vepeFr);


          if(advanceFilter.vepeTo != null && advanceFilter.vepeTo > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"ve <= " + advanceFilter.vepeTo);


          if(advanceFilter.tempFr != null && advanceFilter.tempFr > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"t >= " + advanceFilter.tempFr);


          if(advanceFilter.tempTo != null && advanceFilter.tempTo > 0){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"t <= " + advanceFilter.tempTo);


          if(advanceFilter.motion != null){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"m = " + advanceFilter.motion);


          if(advanceFilter.ignition != null){

            appendQuery(qryStrBldr"i = " + advanceFilter.ignition);



        return qryStrBldr.toString();


      return "";


    catch(Exception ex){


      return "";




I am using getRideCount(Long rideId) function for fetching count. Can anyone help me in finding why it returning 0 though features exists in feature collections. or there exists other preferred techniques to fetch the matching feature count?. Any suggestion or clarifications are welcomed.

Thank You

Suresh Prajapati

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