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Re: [geomesa-dev] GeoMesa fixes

If it helps Tom you have a bit less paperwork to fill out as Boundless is a member organization. 

Jody Garnett

On 11 August 2015 at 08:34, Jim Hughes <jnh5y@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Tom,

Thanks for both of these.  For the first, I'd argue for 5 seconds instead of 2, but that's based on pretty much nothing.  For the second, I'd push for having a way to distinguish between the two CoverageFormats.  Maybe someone will want to call the import process and use one of these:). 

In order to accept the changes, we do need to sort two or three small things.  The first is an Eclipse CLA for you; the details are at the end of the email.  Second, I do have to ask that you put your changes as a pull request on GitHub.  Lastly, we should probably sort out a JIRA account for you and some tickets for your two changes.  (I'm happy to add those as I merge the PRs; we try to include those in the commit messages.)



CLA/Legal stuff:

To complete an Eclipse Contributor License Agreement (CLA), you'll need an Eclipse account.  Visit and create a new account.  From there, you should be able to submit an Eclipse CLA.

The agreement acknowledges that you are contributing to an Eclipse project and spells out the details.  For more info about Eclipse CLAs, check out this page:  I'm happy to answer any questions as best I can.

As a pedantic note, the email address you submit with your CLA paperwork should make the email address you use when submitting pull requests on GitHub. 

On 08/10/2015 09:08 PM, Tom Ingold wrote:
Hey Jim, 

 Sending directly to you because I’m not sure if my list subscription is working atm. 

Fixed 2 issues related to GeoMesa working with GeoServer:
  • GeoMesa coverage formats were returning true (no logic) for all calls to accept() within org.locationtech.geomesa.plugin.wcs.GeoMesaCoverageFormat and  org.locationtech.geomesa.plugin.wms.CoverageFormat.  This was causing issues with the GeoServer importer as GeoMesa was essentially reporting it could handle anything as a coverage store
  • GeoMesa was locking up GeoServer when a store had been previously created, but Zookeeper or Accumulo was no longer available on startup. Seems to be a known issue with the Accumulo client.  Solved it by wrapping the connection attempt in a future and timing out after a short while - GeoServer disables the store and continues to boot as expected 
Commits are:


if you’re interested


Tom Ingold

Director, Product/Engineering

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