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[geomesa-dev] integration trouble with geomesa / geoserver

Would like talk this one through so I can make a nice clear bug report. First up where do I make bug reports for geomesa? GitHub or bugzilla :)

The integration problem is with the implementation of CoverageFormat and GeoMesaCoverageFormat. Currently they will accept *any* provided content - this breaks GeoServer import (since it uses this method to try and determine which format is responsible for loading a file).

  override def accepts(input: AnyRef) = true
  override def accepts(source: AnyRef, hints: Hints) = true

Up a few lines I think I can see File and Path being accepted:

  override def getReader(source: AnyRef, hints: Hints) = source match {
    case file: File => new CoverageReader(file.getPath)
    case path: String => new CoverageReader(path)
    case unk => throw new Exception(s"unexpected data type for reader source: ${Option(unk).map(_.getClass.getName).getOrElse("null")}")

Digging into CoverageReader there is logic to process a URL and extract credentials. If we can reproduce this same logic in the accepts method (and reject file references to a GeoTIFF) then GeoServer can continue to function. 
Jody Garnett

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