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Re: [geomesa-dev] Hudson & Nexus (aka. Maven)

The GeoMesa Hudson instance is online and available at per bug 428690 [1]. GeoMesa committers should be able to now login and manage jobs. In order to login you will need to use your _email_ address as your login. If you have any questions regarding the Hudson service please respond to the bug.

We are still working on getting up and running and will send out another update once that is complete.




On 31/03/14 05:05 PM, Andrew Ross wrote:
Hi Everyone,

Using geomesa-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (bcc a few key folks just in case they aren't subscribed yet). Go here to subscribe.

Just sharing details from a few chats today. I was talking with Anthony helping people to engage... people will go to the geomesa project page, and look for things like the mailing list, build server, getting started information, etc. It sounds like Chris Eichelberger is taking on putting that stuff in order, which is great. Thanks Chris!

Regarding Travis vs. Hudson. We highly recommend Hudson as it will allow seamless integration with other services such as the Nexus server on to easily serve build artifacts. Using Travis on Github is allowed, but would require jumping through hoops.

Nexus is the server that serves maven repositories.

Denis & Thanh will have an update soon when is on-line. Thanks so much you guys!


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