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[gemoc-dev] Discussion about possible folder refactoring
  • From: Didier Vojtisek <didier.vojtisek@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2021 09:42:10 +0200
  • Delivered-to: gemoc-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • Ironport-hdrordr: A9a23:Yt6zZa1V3R/CAOAmAsV3EQqjBbZweYIsimQD101hICG9Kvbo8PxG785rsyMc6QxhLU3I/OrqBEDuewK+yXcY2+Us1PKZLW3bUQiTXfVfBOnZsl/d8kTFn4Y2uJuIMZIObeEYZmIVsS+O2mmF+qEboeVvnprGuc7ui1NWCS16YaBp6Al0TiyBFFdtfRJLAZoiGIDZztZbphK7EE5nL/iTNz0gZazuttfLnJXpbVotHBg88jCUgTep8rLhVzCFwxY7XzlPybAj62ytqX242oyT99WAjjPM3W7a6Jpb3PH7zMFYPdeBjsgOJi+pohq0Zb5mR6aJsFkO0aKSwWdvtOOJjwYrPsx15X+UVHqyuwHVwAXl0Cwj8TvI43XwuwqlneXJABYBT+ZRj4NQdRXUr2A6ustn6blG22KCu4ASNznk9R6NouTgZlVPrA6ZsHAimekcgzh0So0FcoZLoYge5k9OVKoaFCXh8YY9DdR0BM7S5PxqYUqXBkqp/FVH8ZiJZDAeDx2GSk8Ntoi+yD5Nhkljw08Z3sAE2n8G6ZImUpFBo/7POqNjkrZSQt4KBJgNXNspcI+SMCjgUBjMOGWdLRDMD6ccIUvXp5r2+rkuoOWnYoYBwpcpnojbWl8wjx93R2veTem1mLFb+BHER2uwGR73zNtF3oN0vr3nSKCuNzaCRlAom86rpvUSBdDaQv6/NYlbGeWLFxqpJa95mynFH7VCI3gXV8MY/vwhXUiVm9nGLo3xuvaeae3ULrb2CzooHmjuRngEQCP1LMBB6U7DYA6ivDHhH1fWPmDv95N5F6bXu8IJzpIWD5ZBtggOhU78+9qCLidatLcqYVB3L7zmmL6qvGXexxeQ00xZfj5mSmpF6rTpVH1H4SUQNVnvTLoFs9KDPUhPwXquPHZEPrXrOT8ag24y1bO8LpSWyyxnIcmgKHimg3wao2/PZ4sAm5eE+dzudvoDf98bse1KZE32/i5O6ExXQVR4GUI5r4jkZ3/TYJCe/dcp7SfkBpZBaUmQUIBpQDnkxDyhTIkUNwMmtpSVIJSqaEAVNk1pbxRKgtQiqavFljC1JWQlhuMkdFVKdWSMGbpDSB+IfYNOh9nQCXJNpMix9EOnYjwICxvXHn8p9xzcxAivCIP263Zmyw1lO5fRgS1Jnz+mDjhNg1hBwPFAKVg=
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I would like to propose a folder re-organisation in GEMOC repositories

In early releases of GEMOC, the only target was eclipse bundles (plugins, feature, update site, product). In this situation maven for the build + tycho for dependency mangement is fine and convenient However,  we are trying to open the studio (at least the modeling workbench) to be more technology agnostic and propose other build. For example, pure maven jar in order to build java standalone components (ie. depenency management is done by maven and not the manifest files), or propose component that are actually built with non java languages  (typescript, javascript, pyhton, ...) all these use their own build system (even tycho and pomfirst cannot be run in a single mvn command :-(  not speaking about compiling typescript ...) A given GEMOC feature will then be availabable in several technologies/packaging

As I don't know any high level build system that is able to integrate other buid system (except a shell that call each build systems, or entirely rewrite the build in the new build system) It would be important to structure our folders in order to clearly identify the artefacts.

- My propositions:

keep the root folder corresponding to the high level features structure (ex: modeldebugging/framework/execution_framework, modedebugging/framework/xdsml_framework, modedebugging/commons, execution-moccml/ccsljava_xdsml, ...) then instead of having directly "plugins", "releng" at that level (ie. the artefacts built by tycho to produce eclipse bundles), move down to a folder named "tycho"

this would leave a place to put "pomfirst" for pure maven artefacts, and "webapp" for typescript/javascript based artefacts

This would make clear what is available in each technology (and each build system)

My only concern is about git traceability, in my experience there is a small risk that moving folder will break the traceabily of the changes in the files. :-(

I'l try to minimize this risk by creating dedicated commit (no squash and merge for this one)  but I prefer to have your agreement first and also  your suggestion about the possible folder names (tycho, pomfirst, webapp)

Would you agree  with this move ? (a +1 is fine ;-) )

All the best

Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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