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Re: [gemoc-dev] Nightly Studio is now using java 11 instead of java 8

Wow! This actually works! I can open the multidimensional timeline under linux with an OpenJDK, this had never happened before!

Julien you just saved all the JavaFX code of the GEMOC Studio! :D


Le 2020-11-16 11:35, Didier Vojtisek a écrit :

Julien has found an update site offering the missing javafx feature
that now enables the build and use of the Gemoc studio with java 11
instead of java 8

Apparently, this is seamless. There is no need to manually install
java fx modules, they are installed in the studio.

The master branch (ie. the current nightly build) of the studio is
thus now building using java 11 (it is not compatible with java 8

The last released version 3.2.0 is the last official version running
with java 8.

This will allow us to plan to use the latest version of eclipse
(version 2020-09 requires java 11 as minimum version)

I'll update the doc on the web ASAP.

best regards

Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team - LogicA Team
Inria, Univ Rennes, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieu
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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