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Re: [gemoc-dev] 3.0.0 released and versionning scheme for next one


for this prososal, I've opened PR so you can look to how it would work. +

If no disagreement before Friday 4th of August, we'll continue like this and  I'll (or another commiter ;-)) accept the PRs. And I'll try to write this in some documentation (probably here:

If required, small modifications in the process can also take place and be included in the PR.

Best regards

ps: even if produced by commiters, Pull Requests are not accepted out of the box, usually a reasonnable delay is let to people to discuss them Leaving the possibility to modify or discard them if there is no agreement. Also, in the other way round, do not hesitate to add a short message such as "+1 " (even as external contributor) in order to help speed up thing (and possibly avoid merge conflicts).

Le 18/07/2018 à 16:57, Didier Vojtisek a écrit :

The 3.0.0 version has been released. This means that further release/milestone will have to increase the version number and do not rely only on the build date in the qualifier.

I propose that we try to follow Erwan's suggestion as follow: For each new  PR, on a given "big" component (let's consider a granularity of only the 5  big components shown on the figure), if not already done at the appropriate level, increase the service or minor segment of the component. The Studio as a product will have its own version, that will be a +1 on service segment if it contains only service level changes in its components, or +1 on minor if it contains at least one component with a minor segment change.

Best regards

Didier Vojtisek
SED Rennes - DiverSE Team
Univ Rennes, Inria, CNRS, IRISA
Campus de beaulieuHi
35042 Rennes
02 99 84 75 07

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