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[gef-dev] GEF4 Layout refactoring - properties

Hi all,

I think it would be beneficial for the later adoption of KGraph-like
structure to bring the GEF4 Layout interfaces closer to KGraph. As
already discussed in our team call, KGraph does not define explicit
properties, but a universal properties map. Our GEF4 Graph model already
anticipates that, however, the layout interfaces still expose dedicated
operations to set/get certain properties.

I would like to remove those explicit properties from the GEF4 Layout
interfaces and replace corresponding method calls with
setProperty()/getProperty() as a first step. The object adapters for
GEF4 Graph (defined in Zest.FX), which implement the layout interfaces,
could forward any property access (obtained via the layout interface) to
the adapted graph elements (while we still would have to make the
properties in GEF4 Graph modifiable to support this).

One problem we have not discussed yet, is how to declare which
properties are accessed by which algorithms (and how, i.e. read or
write, or both). Having discussed this with Alexander already, we think
it would probably be most transparent if each layout algorithm would
explicitly specify its IN, OUT, and IN_OUT properties:

 - An IN property is accessed by the algorithm as an input parameter.
 - An OUT property is used by the algorithm as an output parameter.
 - An IN_OUT property is used by the algorithm as an input parameter and
an output parameter, for example, location and size.

If there are no objections, I would opt to perform this refactoring (of
course creating a Bugzilla to keep track of the progress in advance).

Best regards,

Matthias Wienand
Fachinformatiker (Anwendungsentwicklung)

Telefon: +49 231 98 60 210
Telefax: +49 231 98 60 211

itemis AG
Am Brambusch 15-24
44536 Lünen

Rechtlicher Hinweis:

Amtsgericht Dortmund, HRB 20621

Vorstand: Jens Wagener (Vors.), Wolfgang Neuhaus, Dr. Georg Pietrek, Jens Trompeter, Sebastian Neus
Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Burkhard Igel (Vors.), Stephan Grollmann, Michael Neuhaus

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