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Re: [gef-dev] GEF Development Environment

Hi Anthony,

thanks for the clarification. I thus infer that besides using API-Tools there is currently no further restriction/definition concerning the development environment? Concerning API-Tools, what settings are you using w.r.t. API-Errors/Warnings. Do you stick to the defaults there?

Even if there is not much restriction currently I would propose to start with an initial "GEF Contributor Guide" document as part of the GEF wiki (somehow in the style of how it is done here:, where we could collect such kind of information (and augment it as soon as there are additional restrictions). We could link the respective bugzillas there, so contributors will become aware that there are some changes ahead. What do you think? 

Best Regards

PS: I have already tracked the formatter guidelines issue under bug #308372.

Am 07.04.2010 um 16:43 schrieb Anthony Hunter:

Hi Alexander

Just download your favourite Eclipse 3.6 based SDK for your development environment.

Bring in the GEF releng project from

Once org.eclipse.gef.releng is in your workspace, you can import the team project set file : org.eclipse.gef.releng/psf/gef.psf

To configure API tools, I would follow the PDE API Tooling in the Plug-in Development Environment Guide. You need to setup a baseline to Galileo. If you are stuck, let us know.

Agree that I would raise a Bugzilla for every issue you find and then we can start fixing them.

Anthony Hunter mailto:anthonyh@xxxxxxxxxx
Software Development Manager
IBM Rational Software: Aurora / Modeling Tools
Phone: 613-270-4613

<graycol.gif>Alexander Nyssen ---2010/04/06 04:59:42 PM---Hi all, as I am now officially "on board" I wanted to give it all a start by setting up an appropriate development environment.

Alexander Nyssen <alexander.nyssen@xxxxxxxxx>
GEF development <gef-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
2010/04/06 04:59 PM
[gef-dev] GEF Development Environment

Hi all,

as I am now officially "on board" I wanted to give it all a start by setting up an appropriate development environment. However, while I browsed the project web pages and the wiki I could not find anything concerning this topic. Anthony mentioned within some Bugzilla that API Tools are being used, yet I didn't find any details about its configuration. I was also not able to find details about target platform, formatter and coding guidelines, file header templates, etc. I remember Anthony and I already discussed about his plan to adopt the Eclipse formatter templates after having consumed the most important patches. However, I was not able to find any documentation about the current state of formatting guidelines. Despite this, is there any documentation concerning the development environment to use?

If not I could offer to collect the necessary information (indeed you would have to provide it to me :-)) and to prepare and document it within the GEF Wiki, as this would probably also make it easier for contributors to create patches. If we would e.g. track the above mentioned formatter issue within a Bugzilla we could also refer to these kind of things within such a documentation as well, to point out that this is something that will be likely to change in the future (indeed it could be thoroughly scheduled this way as well, and patch contributors could somehow rely on this). I also remember having proposed to define some checkstyle guidelines and auto-save-actions (similar to as done by EMF Compare). If that would be an option, I would propose to address these issues within some Bugzillas (so they could be scheduled) and to refer to them in such a documentation as well.

Best Regards

PS: I recognized that the current 3.6.0 project plan is pretty much outdated (I raised Bugzilla 308066 for this). While not having tracked this within Bugzilla yet, let me also mention that the "Plan" link on the main GEF web page still refers to the old GEF 3.4. project plan ( and that within the "Release Notes" section ( the current HEAD entry refers to 2.6.0M6 instead of 3.6.0M6. _______________________________________________
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