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Re: [gef-dev] Using GEF Plugin As an Library

Just like the Shapes examples has a dependency on GEF, GEF has a dependency on RCP (the Eclipse Rich Client Platform).  This doesn't mean it requires Eclipse, but it does require "parts of Eclipse" (these parts are known as RCP).  This is because GEF requires views, editors, actions, plug-in extension, string translations, etc...

You should be able to craft a target that includes GEF + RCP that will give you what you need.

If you are new to RCP development, take a second to google "Eclipse Rich Client Platform".  You will find a lot of resources to help you.


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 7:30 AM, malar vizhi <malarsow@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello All,

I just want to make sure on one thing. I think, to run a GEF shapes example, eclipse must be there in my system. Because it requires eclipse to run, opens another eclipse workbench & running. Is it possible to develop my own simple java project (not plugin project) to drag & drop some images from palette by using GEF (org.eclipse.gef.examples.shapes.jar) plugin as a library? So that I could invoke the required methods from GEF Package. My main concern is, project should work with simple jre, it shouldn’t required eclipse to run once developed. Will it be possible by this way?


Because my requirement is exactly like what shapes example giving (drag & drop some image from palette & capture some details for each image using property window).


Please give me some idea…


Thanks in Advance


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R. Ian Bull | EclipseSource Victoria | +1 250 477 7484 |

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