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Re: [gef-dev] how to create view for model...some code will be appreciated

As Randy mentioned before - this mailing list is for GEF developers, certain API discussion, architecture related issues etc..
Your questions are related to plugin development *using* GEF and they should be asked on the newsgroup. There is no "mail address" for a newsgroup.
Details on how to use newsgroups are available on the above page.
You may use the online interfaces to search and post on the GEF newsgroup OR use a news client to do the same - Outlook Express has one which is quite convenient.
You may search the newsgroup for similar questions asked before and everyone can learn from the solutions to your problems; also, newsgroup posts are probably read by more people than the mailing list and the chances of your queries being solved are much higher.
Best regards,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2005 8:29 PM
Subject: [gef-dev] how to create view for model...some code will be appreciated

Hi! All
Im very, very new to GEF world and i facing lot of problem.
Im devloping application where im using GEF,SWT and Draw2d.
The problem is, uptill now in my application i've been using rectanlge constraint to draw the figure,but now i have to use IFigure to create the view.
That is the corrosponding Edit Part of the model should implement IFigure to create view.

Now take this scenario , if my model is Person having some bound properties , how do is create a view for it.
My PersonEditPart should implements IFigure thats all i know.
But wht all i should i have no idea....
Any suggestion will be realy appreciated and looking forward for some suggestion as i'm in dire straits
If possible sum code will be great along with the explanation...
Many Regards

Ved Gunjan

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