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[faces-dev] Faces 4.0 TCK challenge for implementations to certify on Java 21...


TCK challenge is the only obstacle left that I know of for Jakarta EE 10 implementations to certify as compatible on Java 21.

The issue as I understand is that the Faces 4.0.x branch cannot be built.  Does anyone know how to fix that?  The next best option is to accept the challenge so that EE 10 implementations can ignore Faces (old) TCK test failures on Java 21.

The specific list of failures to ignore are:

[ERROR] Failures:

[ERROR]   Issue4070IT.testJavaTimeTypes:96->doTestJavaTimeTypes:119 expected:<[2015-09-30T16:14:43]> but was:<[]>
[ERROR]   Issue4087IT.testJavaTimeTypes:101
[ERROR]   Issue4110IT.testJavaTimeTypes:79->doTestJavaTimeTypes:95 expected:<[2015-09-30]> but was:<[]>

I think that all other Jakarta EE 10 TCKs have been updated for running on Java 21 except for Faces.  Can this be fixed?


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