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[faces-dev] Maintaining context in inter thread communication

Dear Faces community,

This is my first contribution to the mailing list. Very happy to do so after years of benefitting from this great framework.

My question is about an issue I encounter with a Stateless EJB containing an @Aynchronous method. When this method returns, it triggers a callback in a SessionScoped bean, which is using FacesContext.getCurrrentInstance() to then navigate to a new page.

The issue: FacesContext.getCurrrentInstance() throws an error. This is due, AFAIK, to the single thread model of statefull beans in JSF. Inter thread communication as the one I am trying doesn't maintain state. Is there a workaound it?

A simplified code version:
public class LongRunningProcessBean {

    public void executeLongRunningOperation(Consumer<String> callback) {
        // retrieve topNodes...

        // Invoke the callback when top nodes have bee retrieved

public class CowoBean {

    private LongRunningProcessBean longRunningProcessBean;

    public void startLongRunningOperation() {

    private void onOperationComplete(Strint result) {
            if (result.equals("success"){
               FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); // **error, not able to retrieve Context**
               context.getApplication().getNavigationHandler().handleNavigation(context, null, "/cowo/results.xhtml?faces-redirect=true");
    } }

The thread on Twitter where I first discussed the issue:

The github issue for wider context:

Thank you and best regards,

Sent with Proton Mail secure email.

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