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Re: [faces-dev] EE 10 Platform TCK + Faces test failure: Why would GlassFish 7 throw com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewHandlingStrategyNotFoundException during com.sun.faces.application.view.MultiViewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguage() call ?

Adding faces spec team to clarify what Platform TCK changes are needed for removing JSP support as a VDL (to address failure ViewHandlingStrategyNotFoundException [1]) and possibly correcting [2][3].

Should ejblitejsf_vehicle.jsp [2] be converted to an xhtml file?  If yes, what should the equivalent xhtml file contain?

Do we need to remove the managed-bean* properties from faces-config.xml [3]?



On 5/3/22 10:11 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:

Also reported via

On 5/3/22 9:36 AM, Scott Marlow wrote:

BCC: Platform TCK mailing list.

Does anyone know how to determine the reason why GlassFish 7 (with Mojarra 4.0.0-M7-RELEASE) throws com.sun.faces.application.view.ViewHandlingStrategyNotFoundException during com.sun.faces.application.view.MultiViewHandler.getViewDeclarationLanguage() call [1]?  This is easy to recreate locally by running the (EE 10) Platform TCK locally against ejb30/lite/appexception/singleton/annotated tests (see "Steps to recreate locally" near end of [1]).


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