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[es-dev] Project Lead election for Arjan Tijms on Eclipse Project for Enterprise Security

A project lead election for Arjan Tijms on project Eclipse Project for
Enterprise Security ( was started by Dmitry Kornilov with this

For some reason Arjan was not nominated as Enterprise Security project lead
at the time the project was created. It was a mistake and I am fixing it now
by nominating Arjan to this role. I am not sure that I need to put
justification here. Everybody know how Arjan was involved in Enterprise
Security specification and how he is pushing Eclipse Project for Enterprise
Security forward. Here is his self-introduction:
"For EE Security I was the main designer of the API and spec, have committed
most of the code of both the API itself and its implementation in Soteria.
The bulk of the spec document was also written by me. I wrote about the EE
Security API in a dedicated chapter in the book "The Definitive Guide to JSF
in Java EE 8" and wrote various articles about it."

Eclipse Project for Enterprise Security project committers can click the
election link below to vote.



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