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equinox-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [equinox-dev] John Arthorne as a committer in the incubator, (continued)
  • [equinox-dev] [Aspects] info cannot supplement, Matthew Webster
  • [equinox-dev] app model demo, Jeff McAffer
  • [equinox-dev] EclipseAppLauncher v. Declarative Services -- race condition?, Steven E. Harris
  • [equinox-dev] replaceable OSGi runtime again, Danail Nachev
  • [equinox-dev] Fw: [platform-core-dev] Updated formatter settings, DJ Houghton
  • [equinox-dev] Where to start framework?, robert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • [equinox-dev] Clarification on behavior of Bundle.getEntryPaths, Thomas Watson
  • [equinox-dev] Problem specifying osgi.config.area using symbolic location (@user.home), Steven E. Harris
  • [equinox-dev] a java tool for signing OSGi bundles, Pierre Parrend
  • [equinox-dev] Bundle activation and IApplication execution, Gavin Bong
  • [equinox-dev] context class loader of EDT using webstart, Tom Huybrechts
  • [equinox-dev] Bug 164373 "Make the OSGi manifest parser API", Matthew Webster
  • [equinox-dev] Arguments passed by the new launcher, Thomas Hallgren
  • [equinox-dev] Provisioning work area, Pascal Rapicault
  • Re: [equinox-dev] Re: Graduate JSP Support, Simon Kaegi

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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