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equinox-dev Archive (Thread View - Most Recent First)
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  • Re: [equinox-dev] [prov] support for separated source bundles released, (continued)
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] M5 is coming, the build is broken, Pascal Rapicault
  • [equinox-dev] Migrating Eclipse-LazyStart to Bundle-ActivationPolicy, Thomas Watson
  • [equinox-dev] Problems with the Export-Package "uses" directive, Thomas Watson
  • [equinox-dev] BoFs, Jeff McAffer
  • FW: [equinox-dev] Declarative services bug?, Chris Hopkins
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] p2 tagged, Pascal Rapicault
  • [equinox-dev] Equinox Incubator OSGi implementations tagged for I-Build, Thomas Watson
  • [equinox-dev] Weekly development meeting details, John Arthorne
  • [equinox-dev] is this a service tracker bug?, Mark
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] Download manager support for pack200, Pascal Rapicault
  • [equinox-dev] Movin' on, Jeff McAffer
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] Creating Eclipse Packages, Jeff McAffer
  • [equinox-dev] Equinox with OSGi security?, Marcel Offermans
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] Updated to new ECF, DJ Houghton
  • [equinox-dev] Tom Watson: Equinox co-lead, Jeff McAffer
  • [equinox-dev] Equinox IRC channel added, John Arthorne
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] "Change request" and IProfileRegistry relationship, Pascal Rapicault
  • [equinox-dev] IDirector / IPlanner API change, Pascal Rapicault
  • [equinox-dev] Incubator OSGi service implementations tagged for I-Build, Thomas Watson
  • [equinox-dev] Projects tagged for the I-Build, Thomas Watson
  • [equinox-dev] equinox incubator projects tagged for the I-Build, Thomas Watson
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] Draft meeting schedule, John Arthorne
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] Weekly conf call reminder, Pascal Rapicault
  • [equinox-dev] Broadcast: p2 team meeting (Jan 14 11:00 AM EST in Boardroom 1), Pascal Rapicault
  • Re: [equinox-dev] Fw: [Bug 214801] [api tools] consider Export-Package as API, BJ Hargrave
  • [equinox-dev] Fw: [Bug 214801] [api tools] consider Export-Package as API, Jeff McAffer
  • [equinox-dev] OBR, Thomas Hallgren
  • [equinox-dev] new version of equinox aspects available, Martin Lippert
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] Test build available, John Arthorne
  • [equinox-dev] [prov] Heads up on repository changes, test build, John Arthorne

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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