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Re: [equinox-dev] Sources for plugins

Hi Ed,


Demanding something for a bundle which we did not build in first place is something I am not comfortable. If he wants he can get the source from the respective git repositories.





From: Ed Merks <ed.merks@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 23 November 2020 13:53
To: equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [equinox-dev] Sources for plugins



As far as I understand it, there exists no EPL/legal requirement to provide corresponding source bundles for any binary bundles.   It's of course very nice to have when you want to debug the use of a framework, but it's not an "OSS obligation," whatever that means.  The fact that all the source code itself is in a public git repository is more than sufficient to meet any EPL obligations.

But note too that Rajana's phrasing wasn't entirely clear, i.e., did Rajana require this to meet Bosch's OSS obligations or was Rajana suggesting that we did not fulfill our OSS obligations.  Because the former obligation is not our problem while that latter obligation is something that I don't believe exists.


On 23.11.2020 09:02, Sravan K Lakkimsetti wrote:



We do not support 4.2 release any more. For that matter eclipse platform team did not release the following

  1. org.eclipse.equinox.registry-3.5.201.v20131009-2050
  2. org.eclipse.jface.text-3.8.3.v20141001-2118.jar


the other bundle is part of 4.2 release. So you may pick up source from there.


Accusing us for not fulfilling OSS obligations for a bundle not built/shipped by equinox/eclipse platform team is not expected from a company of your stature. Please contact the vendor who provided you those bundles.





From: Ranjana Radhakrishnan (RBEI/EMT2) <Radhakrishnan.Ranjana@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 23 November 2020 10:41
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [equinox-dev] Sources for plugins


Hello Team,


A gentle reminder for the below mail.



Ranjana R (RBEI/EMT2)


From: Ranjana Radhakrishnan (RBEI/EMT2)
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2020 14:56
To: '
equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx' <equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: Reg org.eclipse.equinox.ds


Hello Team,


We have integrated the below plugins into our products and we were unable to find the sources for the same.

The plugin sources are required to fulfil OSS obligations.


  1. org.eclipse.equinox.registry-3.5.201.v20131009-2050
  2. org.eclipse.jface.text-3.8.3.v20141001-2118.jar
  3. org.eclipse.text-3.5.200.v20120523-1310.jar


Kindly provide the sources.


Best regards,

Ranjana Radhakrishnan (RBEI/EMT2)

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