I'm not sure that class loading order is even relevant here. The stack trace linked by Brian was an OSGi resolution error... resolution happens before a Bundle ClassLoader is constructed and therefore before the bundle attempts to load any class name.
That mean finding a class to be loaded will be initially done
using the boot delegation (Step 2 in this case). If defined
correctly the following will happen:
Java 1.8 - delegate to parent class loader an load
javax.annotation from there (no matter, if you have an bundle
provided for that package)
Java 11 - cannot find javax.annotation over boot-delegation, go
on with Import-Package or Require-Bundle
Either provide a org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation=javax.* as
property to activate boot-delegation or you can use the existing
profiles instead.
You can find the property: org.osgi.framework.bootdelegation
there with a definition for javax.*
To make Equinox use this profile (I dont know, if this happens by
default) via launcher, you should provide the
If you take the profile, then you have to additionally provide
the property: osgi.java.profile.bootdelegation=override, so that
Equinox takes the profile boot delegation entries. instead of
already defined ones
With the correct boot-delegation configuration, always that same
class loader will be taken for this constellation, no matter, if
in Java 1.8 or 11. The same applies to JAXB problems.