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[equinox-dev] A few more days to submit for OSGi DevCon/EclipseCon

Dear OSGi Friends,
It looks like I have more than enough long talks for OSGi DevCon but I
am sorely lacking on Tutorials. Only one was registered so far so I
decided to register one of my own (in time this time).

I know of so many interesting projects with OSGi, a short talk is
perfect to show what kind of interesting things you are doing with
OSGi. And I can't imagine there are no more subjects out there for a

5 more days ...

Kind regards,

   Peter Kriens

Peter Kriens                              Tel +33467542167
9C, Avenue St. Drézéry                    AOL,Yahoo: pkriens
34160 Beaulieu, France                    ICQ 255570717
Skype pkriens                             Fax +1 8153772599

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