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Re: [equinox-dev] Tomcat plugin RMI security problem

I believe there is a known issue with using the RMI security manager in 2.1 (at least it sounds familiar to me).  You should search the bug database and mail/news archives.  Also, note that this mailing list is for equinox developers.  Equinox is the new 3.0 runtime so most of the people here don't really know that much about the 2.1 runtime.  You might try the platform newsgroup.


"Eime, Raymond (CAA)" <Raymond.Eime@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: equinox-dev-admin@xxxxxxxxxxx

02/15/2004 09:48 PM

"'equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx'" <equinox-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
[equinox-dev] Tomcat plugin RMI security problem


I'm having a  problem setting up my eclipse-tomcat debugging environment.

I'm using Eclipse 2.1.0 with sysdeo tomcat plugin 2.2.1 & running tomcat
4.1.24 all running in a Windows 2000 environment.
I'm also using an RMI server to do work for my application while in
development stage.  I should also mention I'm not using java security within
my application at this point.

When I start a standalone tomcat server I have no problem using my RMI sever
but when I start tomcat within Eclipse and my code trys to create the
RMISecurity manager, ie execute "System.setSecurityManager(new
RMISecurityManager());" I get an access denied exception thrown by the class.
eg access denied
(java.util.PropertyPermission catalina.base read)

I have granted all permissions on my java.policy in both my tomcat instance
& the RMI server.  I've tried setting the system variable
"" to point to my java.policy file from within may
application code as a last resort and still no success.

I hope someone can be of assistance.


Ray Eime
equinox-dev mailing list

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