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[epsilon-dev] Providing alternative ExL engine implementations

Hi all,

I have just pushed changes to the master branch that allows developers to provide alternative engine implementations, e.g. incremental, parallel, etc. I will shortly add a new article to the website with detailed instructions. But in summary:
1. Have a xxx.dt plugin that will contribute to the developer tools
2. Use the org.eclipse.epsilon.common.dt.moduleImplementation extension point to point to your alternative module implementation and a class that provides a swt Component that allows specific implementation settings to be provided in the launch configuration (it must implement org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration.ModuleConfiguration., basically you provide labels, text fields and such that allow setting properties. The default options must be set to false.
3. During a launch, your module will been instantiated (via no-arg constructor) and then the configure(Map<String, Object> properties)  is invoked. You can extracted the properties of interest from the map and apply them you your module.

Visually, all the launch configuration dialogs now have an AdvancedTab in which a list of available module implementations is provided. For backwards compatibility, the standard implementations are provided and the list is disabled so existing launch configurations will work seamlessly. 

If you have or are developing alternative implementations please try this out and let me know of any improvements we can make.


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