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  • [epp-dev] EPP 2021-12 RC2, Jonah Graham
  • [epp-dev] EPP 2021-12 RC1, Jonah Graham
  • [epp-dev] EPP 2021-12 M3, Jonah Graham
  • [epp-dev] Java 17.0.1 (and Java 11.0.13) released, Ed Merks
  • [epp-dev] EPP 2021-12 M2, Jonah Graham
  • [epp-dev] JustJ, Adoptium/Temurin, and Java LTS, Ed Merks
  • [epp-dev] EPP 2021-12 M1, Jonah Graham
  • Re: [epp-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] JGit/EGit contribution to M1 will be late, Jonah Graham
  • [epp-dev] First Mac M1 build of EPP, Jonah Graham
  • Re: [epp-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] The Eclipse IDE 2021-09 release is available now!, Mickael Istria
  • [epp-dev] The Eclipse IDE 2021-09 Release is now available!, Martin Lowe
  • [epp-dev] EPP 2021-09 RC2, Jonah Graham
  • [epp-dev] EPP 2021-09 RC1, Jonah Graham
  • [epp-dev] Java EPP created with "mvn verify -P"" fails to start due to missing server JVM, Lars Vogel

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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