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  • Re: [epp-dev] EPP Luna SR1 RC1 build candidate, (continued)
  • [epp-dev] EPP Mars M1 build candidate, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Fwd: [cross-project-issues-dev] Automated Error Reporting for Mars Milestone Builds, Marcel Bruch
  • [epp-dev] Adding a error log collector to Mars milestone builds?, Marcel Bruch
  • [epp-dev] splitting streams for Luna (SR1) and Mars (M1), Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] What's the purpose of Eclipse Standard ?, Mickael Istria
  • Re: [epp-dev] [cross-project-issues-dev] Remove CVS from Eclipse packages?, Mickael Istria
  • [epp-dev] tick, tack, tick, tack... Luna EPP packages, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Luna RC4 packages, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Final build? Final build!, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Late change in icon for PHP package, Kaloyan Raev
  • [epp-dev] CPP package / LinuxTools feature change, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Welcome Roshanak Afsarifard as a new technology.packaging Committer, portal on behalf of Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Parallel Package - Luna RC3 and repository - test please?, Beth Tibbitts
  • [epp-dev] Committer vote for Roshanak Afsarifard has been approved by the PMC, portal on behalf of portal-noreply
  • [epp-dev] Luna RC3 packages + incubation confirmation, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Committer vote for Roshanak Afsarifard has concluded successfully, portal on behalf of

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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