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  • [epp-dev] Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers for M1, Daniel Megert
  • [epp-dev] 2018-09 M1 EPP packages - first try, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Moving to Gerrit., Eclipse Webmaster
  • [epp-dev] Still justified to ship Mylyn with almost all distributions?, Deutsch, Arne
  • Re: [epp-dev] [technology-pmc] [] MPC requesting a Photon simrel respin, Carsten Reckord
  • [epp-dev] Will future EPP packages point to a specific quarterly SimRel release, or to the /latest/ one?, Nick Boldt
  • [epp-dev] About dialog in Java package, Lars Vogel
  • [epp-dev] Photon RC4a EPP packages, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Request for rebuild RC4 to pick up CDT, Doug Schaefer
  • [epp-dev] Photon RC4 EPP packages, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] EPP, Photon RC4, and bug 535504, Markus Knauer
  • [epp-dev] Packaging and shipping runtimes (OpenJ9) as p2 untils in EPP?, Mickael Istria
  • [epp-dev] Photon RC3 EPP packages, Markus Knauer

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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