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Re: [epp-dev] EPP 2022-12 M1

Hi everyone,

The 2022-12 M1 release has been published successfully.

Let me know if you have any questions.

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 11:46 PM Jonah Graham <jonah@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi everyone,

Our next milestone build is available for testing: EPP 2022-12 M1

This version contains a significant change to how we build EPP.

EPP products no longer "include" Eclipse Platform product definition. This was done to resolve Bug 580807. That bug was -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=17 and -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=11 were in eclipse.ini. The =11 came from the Eclipse Platform (as it only requires Java 11 as of now) and the =17 came from EPP as it (since 2022-09) requires Java 17. However as the =11 was listed second in the file it took precedence. Until 2022-06, there was a duplicate of =11, which was weird but not yet causing issue.

Therefore, starting with 2022-12 M1, epp fully defines its own products. This means some stuff is duplicated, such as start levels. A new step in the releasing process is to synchronize any changes from the platform's product to all the epp products.

Please test and see if you can identify anything that may have gone wrong and let me know if you have any questions or concerns about this approach.

Note that 2022-09 upgraded to 2022-12 removes the duplicate as part of the upgrade process.

PS: I ended up having to respin the release because the above change caused one regression I found late in the day and have now fixed. Fortunately it was caught as a result of the step-by-step release process that checks numerous things. See Bug 580869 for more info.

I have been following the steps on - you can see the checkmarks as to what is done.

Download link:

EPP was built with the p2 repositories at: and

Please test and send your +1 to this mailing list. +1s are optional as the package will be published anyway.

Last +1 received for each package and platform (apologies if I missed one of your +1 emails, just let me know and I will update Last Recorded +1)

committers - 2022-06 RC2 (tested by Ed in 2022-09 RC1)
cpp - 2022-09 RC2
dsl - 2022-09 RC1
embedcpp - 2022-09 RC2
java - 2022-09 M2
jee - 2022-09 RC2
modeling - 2022-09 RC2
parallel - 2022-03 RC2 (tested by Ed in 2022-09 RC1)
php - 2020-12 RC2 (tested by Ed in 2022-09 RC1)
rcp - 2022-09 RC2
scout - 2022-09 RC2

Linux x86_64 - 2022-09 RC2
Linux aarch64 - 2022-09 RC2
Windows - 2022-09 RC2
macOS x86_64 - 2022-09 M3
macOS aarch64 - 2022-09 RC1

Thank you for testing!

Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders
epp-dev mailing list
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Eric Poirier

Senior Web Developer | Eclipse Foundation

Eclipse Foundation: The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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