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Re: [epp-dev] Package maintainers are you testing your packages?

Hello Jonah.


Thanks for asking. For Scout: Yes, we are testing. So far the results have been good enough for not sending a -1 and some issues are under investigation so no one sent a +1… And then there’s been the understanding that +1s are now assumed and only -1s are sent if necessary.


On another note I am always surprised by how fast some projects have their +1s ready. How do you do that? Our builds go through automatic testing which is (relatively) fast. But the manual testing of EPP builds takes us quite some time and sometimes it’s not immediately clear if an issue found has anything to do with the build or is just some local problem of the tester. Any secret sauce you are using from which we might profit too?





From: epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx <epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of Jonah Graham
Sent: Thursday, 5 March, 2020 15:45
To: Eclipse Packaging Project <epp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [epp-dev] Package maintainers are you testing your packages?


Hello Package Maintainers.


Are you testing your packages? It has been 7 days since M3 email and so far there have been only 5 of 13 packages with +1.  


In the coming hours RC1 will be ready for testing.


FYI the testers are listed in the repo, I suspect there is some metadata not up to date.

$ git ls-files '**/' | while read i; do xmllint --xpath 'string(//configuration/packageMetaData/@packageName)' $i; xmllint --xpath 'string(//configuration/packageMetaData/packageTesters)' $i; echo; done
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Jonah Graham
Kichwa Coders

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