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Re: [epp-dev] Kepler SR2 RC1 Build

+1 for Scout


From: epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Markus Knauer
Sent: Donnerstag, 23. Januar 2014 17:54
To: EPP Developer Mailing List
Subject: [epp-dev] Kepler SR2 RC1 Build


Hi package maintainers,

as always I see the first RC as a warm-up build that I'm not going to push to the download page and won't distribute to the download mirrors. At least as long as nobody is really requesting it and has good reasons. Nevertheless it would be best if you could give the packages some testing before we are moving on to the next RC2 which should be a real release candidate.

What have I done so far? I updated the version numbers, the copyright information, etc. in all packages, and made all other necessary updates to get a working build based on the current content in /releases/maintenance. The result can be found here:

(Keep in mind that (a) the Kepler build still runs on the Hudson cluster and not on the EPP HIPP, and (b) that we are using Gerrit since last Christmas in case you want to push some changes for the next Kepler RC2.)


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