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Re: [epp-dev] RC2 and IP action items

(1) The Java package does not contain incubating features.

(2) The license update looks good to me.


On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Markus Knauer
<mknauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi package maintainers,
> here is a reminder to test the packages as early as you can, because the
> timeframe between the final builds (Thursday) and the release (Friday)
> doesn't allow any rebuilds or major changes. The sooner I can apply your
> patches to the configurations, the better. And a new EPP build starts every
> time the /releases/staging content changes.
> But now... IMPORTANT - two action items for you:
> (1) As every year I need from each package maintainer a status about the
> content of his/her package. Does it contain content from projects that are
> in incubation? If so we need to include "-incubation-" in the file name and
> change the description that appears on the download page. In the Galileo
> release we had Modeling and SOA as incubation packages, now I suspect that
> the LinuxTools falls under that category.
> Please answer to this mailing list whether your package contains incubation
> components or not.
> (2) Bug 313900: update EPL license in the packages
> (
> I updated the license in *all* packages. Please review what I did and tell
> me if I need to revert this change for your package. Or open another bug if
> I need to adjust something.
> Thanks and regards,
> Markus
> ( with the status of the packages, or
> as a direct
> link to the build server)
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Steffen Pingel
Senior Developer,

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