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Re: [epp-dev] RC2 and IP action items

Um, no ... wst.xml_ui is not in incubation.

What made you think that?

From: Daniel Pastore <kpqb38@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Eclipse Packaging Project <epp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 05/26/2010 08:39 AM
Subject: Re: [epp-dev] RC2 and IP action items
Sent by: epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi Markus,

Pulsar Package contains the org.eclipse.wst.xml_ui.feature, which we found to be still in incubation stage.
All other features included in Pulsar are not in incubation anymore.

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 04:29, Markus Knauer <mknauer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi package maintainers,

here is a reminder to test the packages as early as you can, because the timeframe between the final builds (Thursday) and the release (Friday) doesn't allow any rebuilds or major changes. The sooner I can apply your patches to the configurations, the better. And a new EPP build starts every time the /releases/staging content changes.

But now... IMPORTANT - two action items for you:

(1) As every year I need from each package maintainer a status about the content of his/her package. Does it contain content from projects that are in incubation? If so we need to include "-incubation-" in the file name and change the description that appears on the download page. In the Galileo release we had Modeling and SOA as incubation packages, now I suspect that the LinuxTools falls under that category.

Please answer to this mailing list whether your package contains incubation components or not.

(2) Bug 313900: update EPL license in the packages (

I updated the license in *all* packages. Please review what I did and tell me if I need to revert this change for your package. Or open another bug if I need to adjust something.

Thanks and regards,

( with the status of the packages, or as a direct link to the build server)

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Daniel Pastore
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