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Re: [epp-dev] Changes of the SOA package description on the download page

Am 16.04.2010 um 16:55 schrieb Markus Knauer:

Hi Zsolt,

do we talk about Helios? Then it should be doable without causing too much work. Galileo - still possible with a little bit more work.

We are talking about Galileo. The media launch is next Thursday and the IWG would really be grateful to have the link as soon as possible to make connection between package and IWG more obvious. I know it's on short notice :-(

Please open a bug with a patch and add Nathan (and me) to the bug.

Created bug and added a patch for Helios and Galileo.


Regards, Markus

On 16 April 2010 16:31, Zsolt Beothy-Elo <zsolt.beothy-elo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
SOA IWG, the maintainer of the SOA epp package, will have their media launch next week Thursday and therefore wants to have a link to the SOA IWG home page in SOA epp description on the download site. Before I create a bug including a patch for this change, I just want to know if the change is  technically possible at this point of time and whether it is doable practically.


Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:

Von: Ian Skerrett <ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Datum: 16. April 2010 15:49:05 MESZ
Betreff: Re: [soa-iwg] Re: Links to
Antwort an: SOA Industry Working Group <soa-iwg@xxxxxxxxxxx>

The package maintainer, in this case Zsolt, is responsible for the package description so he can make this change today.

Zsolt, if you need help I would suggest you ask the question on the EPP mailing list.  I am not exactly sure how it is done myself.

On 4/16/2010 9:13 AM, Oliver Wolf wrote:

I think what Ricco means is that it would be good if there were a link from the SOA package entry on the download page back to the IWG website. Otherwise it might be difficult for someone downloading the Eclipse SOA package to figure out who's behind the package and where to find more info, tutorials etc.
Does that make sense?


Am 16.04.2010 um 15:08 schrieb Ian Skerrett:


Yes we will link to the SOA web site from the home page.  The SOA package is already on the download page so I am not sure I understand that part of your question.


On 4/16/2010 5:11 AM, Ricco Deutscher wrote:

I think it is important to have links from other webpages to the website (e.g. from the homepage similar to Pulsar or from the download webpage of the Eclipse SOA package). What are your thoughts about that?


Ian Skerrett
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Eclipse Foundation
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Twitter: IanSkerrett
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Oliver Wolf
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Ian Skerrett
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Plan to attend EclipseCon 2010, March 22-25

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