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RE: [epp-dev] update of package status - please test

Hi Roy, 

I've read the bug report, and IMHO, this wouldn't qualify for a stop ship 
bug to justify a recreation of Galileo Discovery site. 
It is, admittedly, a bad bug, but, from the report, it does not damage 
data and there is a work around. 
I'd suggest you prepare a feature patch on your own update site so users 
could quickly get a fix. 
Let me know if you need help knowing how to do that. 

And, if its any consolation, it's not just you ... TPTP has a similar 
situation, and I told them "no" too. :) 

You are still welcome to raise on cross-project/planning council lists and 
perhaps others would like to discuss, but it would require explicit 
support from others on the PC to request a re-generation of Discovery Site 
this many days past the deadline. 


"Roy Ganor" <roy@xxxxxxxx>
"Eclipse Packaging Project" <epp-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
06/19/2009 12:58 PM
RE: [epp-dev] update of package status - please test
Sent by:

Unfortunately, the PDT user group issued a critical/major issue regarding 
the ?create PHP project? operation, which seems like a very 
important/annoying issue which must be fixed.
280935 - [Project Mgmt] trying to create a new PHP project - displaying an 
error "Creation of element failed"
For now this is (-1) for this Eclipse PHP package, 
I?ll pinpoint the problem and provide an alternative build in the next 
couple of hours. 
From: epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On 
Behalf Of Markus Knauer
Sent: Friday, June 19, 2009 2:04 PM
To: EPP Developer Mailing List
Subject: [epp-dev] update of package status - please test
Hi package maintainers,

I think we have a build now that is a hot candidate for being released 
next week.

Please test and send your +1/-1 to this mailing list:

  Build ID: 20090619-0630

I really would like to avoid any rebuilds of the packages from now on. 
Possible reasons for a rebuild include a major change in the upstream 
Galileo repository or a stop-ship bug in one of the packages. A simple 
typo does not qualify for a rebuild :-)

Many thanks and regards,
epp-dev mailing list

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