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Re: [epf-dev] EPF Composer vs EPF Wiki ?

Hi Jean-Marc,
EPF Wiki is not the answer, it is not the right approach. If you want to change the look and feel you will need to change the XSLT stylesheets. When you install EPF Composer there are two directories that contain stylesheets and other content that ends up in the published site:
  • org.eclipse.epf.publish.layout_1.5.0.v20100914-0010/
  • org.eclipse.epf.publishing_1.5.0.v20100901-1349/
XML en XSLT is a bit of a pain at times so I recommend a two step approach. First create a 'raw' skin that will dump all XML input in the published pages. With this published site with all the raw XML you can then start building your own XSLT stylesheets to create the layout you want. This two-step approach will not require you to run the publish each time to see the effect of the changes you make to XLST stylesheets. That will save you a lot of time because you can run the XLST transformations yourself per page using a specialized tool e.g. XML Spy.

This is exactly like developing software only you are programming in XML/XSLT, which is difficult and hard work. Without such a two-step approach you will fail on anything else than very minor changes to the layout. You can't successfully debug your XML/XSLT by running the publish each time and seeing what it coughs up.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Jean-Marc Sfez <jmsfez@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sorry for a stupid question but...

I just install EPF Composer, create a basic process from scratch, and publish a corresponding web site.

I'd like to completely customize the look & feel of the pages that presents Disciplines, Activities, Tasks, Work Products....
For example, I'd like to add a Menu Bar with logo... ; I'd like to change all colors...

I was looking for pages templates in the generated web site but it seems complex to work on these elements.

So, I search for some help on the web, when I found the EPF Wiki ressources.

What is the exact positionning of EPF Wiki comparing to EPF Composer and its generated web sites ?

Is EPF Wiki a tool that will help me to change template of a EPF Composer generated web site ?

A small explanation will be greatly appreciated for a dummy ;-)

Best Regards,
Jean-Marc Sfez
    jmsfez@xxxxxxxxx  |  +33 6 23 48 18 37

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