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Re: [epf-dev] Are there any file limit for EPF wiki?

I don't think the folder size is a problem, I have used similar sizes before without problems.

Based on the error message I can think of two reasons for the error message
  1. some character set encoding issue or
  2. the length of the file path is too long.
I'm not sure about the encoding. For 2-byte Japanese char set you need utf16, not utf8?

I haven't tried this but maybe you could try set the encoding to utf16? In config/database.yml there should be a line encoding: utf8 for your environment. Is it possible to set that to utf16 and try again to create your database? I don't have utf16 on my machine so I can't test right now if this will work.

You have to recreate your database of course, assuming your environment is 'production'.

On Windows:
set RAILS_ENV=production
rake db:drop db:create db:migrate

On Linux
export RAILS_ENV=production
rake db:drop db:create db:migrate

I have to point out however that the rel_path column is varchar 220, for utf16 this would imply a max file path length of 55 characters? Again, I'm not sure, but it might turn out that the column max length is too short if you set to utf16 to hold the relative paths of your files.

2009/11/5 <tashiroh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Dear all,

Are there any file limit such as file size or Character Size for creating wiki or using the EPF wiki?

Now, we have trouble in [Creating a Wiki].
We select the baseline(folder) that has following features to update.
 - Including the file which name is 2-byte.
 - Folder size is bigger than 250MB (not zip)

After we select the baseline and select [update now],
we got following message.

Mysql::Error: Incorrect string value: '\x83V\x83X\x83e...' for column 'rel_path' at row 1: INSERT INTO `pages` (`body_tag`, `created_on`, `rel_path`, `status`, `site_id`, `text`, `tool`, `updated_on`, `type`, `head_tag`, `presentation_name`, `uma_name`, `copyright_tag`, `filename`, `user_id`, `treebrowser_tag`, `uma_type`) VALUES('
', '2009-11-04 18:06:23', '(PATH / xxxx_58AE806C.html', 'N.A.', 13, NULL, 'EPFC', '2009-11-04 18:06:23', 'BaselineProcessPage', '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n', 'AAAAAYYY [YY]', 'AAAAA', '', 'xxxx_58AE806C.html', NULL, '', 'WorkProductDescriptor')

 [*] A, Y; 2byte character
 Actually, [AAAAA', '', 'xxxx_58AE806C.html] was one string [AAAAA_58AE806C.html]

We tried following cases.

1.One task process(1MB folder). File-name of all files are English. All contents in the all file are also English perfectly.

2.One task process(1MB folder). One file-name is Japanese(2byte-character). All contents in the all file are also English perfectly.
 -Error. [That message was generated.]

3.One task process(1MB folder). File-name of all files are English. One content(link information) is Japanese(2byte-character like  --/BBB.html).

4.250MB folder. File-name of all files are English. All contents in the all file are also English perfectly.
 -Error(500 Internal Server Error)

Apache 1.3.41
EPF wiki
Ruby 1.8.6
MySQL 5.0
 Encoding ; "utf8 "
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