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RE: [epf-dev] epf installation

Hi Bjorn,

You almost did it.
You need to say Yes to "Copy to create a writable copy"
This was added so that every user would always have a pristine copy of the library on their hard drive.

Or you can skip copying it, and modify the library that you downloaded.

Bruce MacIsaac
Manager – RMC Content
phone: (408)250-3037 (cell)

The Viking on the French Riviera <bjorn.tuft@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent by: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

05/01/2009 02:28 PM

Please respond to
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List        <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>

"'Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List'" <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
RE: [epf-dev] epf installation

I am still stuck.  The does not have any information about how to install epf and related practices.
As said, the first steps are easy, unzip and double-click and epf comes up.  But then the troubles start:
You say: "In order to open these libraries, simply unzip the *library*.zip file in your local file system".  
Let us have a look at the downloads:
1.        Eclipse Process Framework (EPF) Downloads:  EPF Composer
2.        EPF Wiki:   Download EPF Wiki releases, milestone builds
3.        EPF Practices:  Download EPF Practices library and published Web site (including ABRD practice).
4.        OpenUP:  Download OpenUP library and published Web site, plus these published Web sites: OpenUP/DSDM and OpenUP/ABRD.
5.        Scrum:  Download Scrum library and published Web site
6.        XP: Download XP library and published Web site
7.        Method Authoring Method for Eclipse Practices Library:  Download MAM EPL library and published Web site
Number one is the easy one - epf is up and running.
Number two - let us leave that for later
Number three  EPF Practices: Contains three files (a) Library:, (b) Published Web site: and
(c) ABRD published Web site: plus Bugzilla.  Is it correct that you are saying that I have to copy and unzip these three libraries when you
"In order to open these libraries, simply unzip the *library*.zip file in your local file system".  Let me proceed to see what then happens:  I copy and unzip the three files under the epf-composer folder.  The (c) appears to have most but not all files in common with (a) and I choose the options not to let ABRD files overwrite the files from the (a).  All these elements must be part of an installation description in my eyes.  I should sweat in panic already since I am fumbling in the dark.
Then, next step: " and point Composer to open the library.xmi file."  In practice, I try it out.  First I have to find THE "library.xmi file".  I go to FIle->Open->Method Library and by default it points to my C disk with my ËPF\Method Libraries\Library1.  OK, there is no such thing.  I then use Windows file system to search for a "library.xmi file" under the epf-composer folder.  I find one in the \EPF_Practices folder.  I point the application towards it.  Then comes the cryptic message: "The library is not writable".  Was nun kleiner Mann?  What is the recommended way forward?  The composer tells me that I have the option of skipping it or to "Copy to create a writable copy ... ".  What am I to do?  Try out all options untill I have explored the limits of the universe of combinatorial mathematics?
Or much better, could someone write instructions how to install epf - or rather the processes.  That would be great progress.

Bjorn Tuft

Email: bjorn.tuft@xxxxxxxxx /  bjorn.tuft@xxxxxxxxx
Mobile: +33 688 841 813 / Skype: +33 970 408 906

890 Chemin des Adrets, F-06370 Mouans-Sartoux
Tel: +33 493 756 788,  Fax: +33 493 756 788


From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Ricardo Balduino
Monday, February 09, 2009 9:49 PM
Eclipse Process Framework Project Developers List
Re: [epf-dev] epf installation

Hi Bjorn, thanks for your questions.

On the EPF page you find a link to Getting Started material that should help you understand and use the EPF Composer tool. Please refer to:

Briefly explaining, you can use EPF Composer tool (the software part) to create your own process description, or use anyone of the many process descriptions (the documentation part, if you will) available as part of this project, such the ones you mentioned:
- OpenUP - a minimal, complete, and extensible process based on agile and UP principles

- ABRD - Agile Business Rules Development guidance for projects that involve developing business rules

- DSDM, Scrum, XP are also available as part of the project.

In order to open these libraries, simply unzip the *library*.zip file in your local file system and point Composer to open the library.xmi file. This scenario is useful if you want to publish the out-of-the-box content yourself, or extend/reuse this content.

However, if you want to use the out-of-the-box content as is, you can simply unzip the *published*.zip of your choice, and run index.htm - it will open your Internet browser and you will be able to navigate the published content.

Do you have to install all of them? It depends on what you are looking for. Are you interested in following one of these particular methods or document/use one defined by your organization?

I hope this reply adds some clarity and addresses your questions. But please look at the Getting Started session of the EPF web site for more material, such as articles, demo recordings, and such.

And send further questions to this group at anytime.


Ricardo Balduino.

From: The Viking on the French Riviera <bjorn.tuft@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 02/07/2009 09:26 AM
Subject: [epf-dev] epf installation

Sorry for the very basic question:  How do I install epf??  

On the page I found no simple instructions:  What do I have to download, what could/should I download, how should I configure the beast?  I have installed the epf-composer, the software starts when I click on epf.exe, that is easy.  But then there are other things, like:
EPF Practices - Library (, Published Web site  (, ABRD published Web site (
What are they good for?  Do I have to install them?   What part of epf is is documentation and framework and what is software?

The epf composer appears to run independently from eclipse.exe itself, is there no integration?

There is also DSDM_OpenUP?  Do I have to/should I install them?

Thank you for any help.



Bjorn Tuft

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