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Re: [epf-dev] Next Week's Meeting - We Need You !!!

Thanks for the response Steve.  To avoid a repeat of last week can
everybody please acknowledge whether they will or will not attend
tomorrow.  I already have yeas from: chris, bruce, nate, ricardo and

On 9/23/08, Steve Adolph <steve@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> It will be iffy if I can participate in tomorrow's telecon - however here is
> my two bits: I think we must refocus our efforts to developing the
> environment and outreach to facilitate the adoption of EPF. This is one
> reason why XP and Scrum are uber popular and methods like Crystal and DSDM
> are not.  I'm making some progress in this area, but we really need to work
> collectively to create the material needed to support this. Also while I was
> initially opposed to the idea of certification, I think we should push
> towards creating some form of EPF certification.
> A second goal should be to expand the practice library beyond the
> requirements of OpenUP - adding practices which could replace OpenUP centric
> practices such as use case development. I believe this is necessary to give
> EPF some street cred that it is more than a re-packaged version of UP.
> Hopefully I will be able to chat with all of you tomorrow, but this week is
> a little insane.
> best regards,
> Steve
> From: epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:epf-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On
> Behalf Of Ken Clyne
> Sent: Thursday, September 18, 2008 5:18 PM
> To: epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [epf-dev] Next Week's Meeting - We Need You !!!
> At this week's meeting we wanted to converge on goals for the next release
> but unfortunately we did not have good coverage from our EPF team.  We're
> going to try again next week and I'd like to ask everyone on this list to
> please try and make this call so we can everyone on the same page and get
> the release off to the best possible start.  If you have specific topics you
> would like to cover let me know and I will add them to the agenda that I
> will distribute early next week.
> Also, please note we have  new call-in number for next week it is
> 1-866-275-6163 passcode *8722944*
> Regards,
> Ken

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