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[epf-dev] Re-thinking Bugzilla Prefixes


We need to re-think the way we identify Bugzilla entries when reporting problems and change requests for the EPF Practice Library. In the past we prefaced a Bugzilla entry for OpenUP with an abbreviation of the relevant discipline, e.g. DEV for development or ARCH for architecture. For other processes we prefaced the entry with the name of the process (Scrum or XP).

The Practice Library can now contain practices that belongs to one or more processes, which means they could potentially belong to different disciplines or no disciplines at all. Also, we started using the prefix "PracLib" for practice library content, but that's no longer useful as we now have more content in the Practice Library then we do in all of OpenUP.

It would be more helpful to people supporting the practices to see bugs logged against their specific area and would ease searching and sorting of Bugzillas. So I've created below a list of prefixes for Bugzilla entries that apply to practices and processes that may be more useful to us in the future. I propose we discuss this at our next Wednesday meeting and, if approved, we modify the current entries to fit into this scheme and use this system for future entries.

EPF Practice Library Prefaces for Bugzilla Entries

CM - Change Management
ID - Iterative Development
RVL - Risk Value Lifecycle
2LPP - Two Level Project Planning
WT - Whole Team

TDD - Test Driven Development
ED - Evolutionary Design
EA - Evolutionary Architecture
SV - Shared Vision
UCDD - Use Case Driven Design
AT - Agile Testing
CI - Continuous Integration

Process (non-practice content such as delivery processes, welcome pages, process-level conceptual material, etc)
OpenUP - OpenUP content
Scrum - Scrum content
XP - XP content

Language specific content (translation information)
EN - English
PT - Portugese
FR - French
SP - Spanish
RU - Russian

??-<process name> (e.g. ??-OpenUP) Unknown content location, used by contributors who are unfamiliar with the name of the practice where the error occurs.

Language issues can be reported with the language and practice prefix. So an example of the title of a Bugzilla entry for the Portuguese translation of some TDD content might read:
PT-TDD: Translation of brief description is incorrect


Jim Ruehlin
RUP Content Developer
EPF Committer
Rational Software
IBM Software Group

email jruehlin@xxxxxxxxxx
phone 760.505.3232
fax 949.369.0720

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