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Re: [epf-dev] Re: Project proposal

Hello Vincent,

Are you looking to describe the process of FAST, as a knowledge base or intellectual capital that can be customized to a particular team or organization? Or are you interested in developing an Eclipse plug-in (software) that automates, reports, or in some way supports FAST?

The EPF group focuses on creating development processes and the tools (EPF Composer) to support writing those processes. We don't currently have processes that describe any aspects of systems engineering or non-software related processes, so those would be great areas for us to cover. But if you're interested in producing a particular tool that's not related to producing process content, you'll need to locate a different Eclipse group that can support your idea.


Jim Ruehlin
RUP Content Developer
EPF Committer
Rational Software
IBM Software Group

email jruehlin@xxxxxxxxxx
phone 760.505.3232
fax 949.369.0720

From: Anne Jacko <emo@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: Durand Vincent <vincent.durand@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: 02/25/2008 12:16 PM
Subject: [epf-dev] Re: Project proposal

Hello Mr. Durand,

Thanks for your idea for an Eclipse project proposal. We suggest that you contact the EPF project team (epf-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx) to discuss making your effort part of that project rather than starting a new project.

Anne Jacko

On Feb 19, 2008, at 5:10 AM, Durand Vincent wrote:


My name is Vincent and I am currently working within a Volvo division (Volvo Construction Equipment).
I have known the Eclipse software for a while for developping purposes. I can see that a Business Intelligence as well as a Process plug-in now exist.  

My project proposal is the following one ("could be" improvements and questions are bundled with it):
- As long as there is a "Process" plug-in, could this plug-in be used for industry purposes and not only for developping?

I'll explain myself on this one: Systems engineering is not anymore computer related today, it is used for industrial optimization purposes as well (I am currently using it).

- The real project proposal: Would it be possible to have an Eclipse based F.A.S.T. (Functional Analysis Systems Technique) software?

Thanks for answering.

Best regards,

Vincent Durand

Volvo Compact SAS

R&D - Engineering Services

Rue Pierre Pingon

Belley, France

E-mail: vincent.durand@xxxxxxxxx

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